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To navigate a lengthy work, to help readers table of contents are provided by Quintus Valerius Soranus. In Encyclopedia the table of contents is provided by Pliny. The abbreviated form of a table of contents is TOC, which is the starting page of any book, where you can find the topic and the page number. This is considered as the reference pages you have to follow, number of the chapter and the titles and a brief explanation of the chapter and the beginning page numbers.
• The descriptions of the first level titles and headers which is the basis of writing a table of contents.
• The second level descriptions and titles are also included in the table of contents. The third label of titles are also included, that is within the chapters.
• The length of work & depth of the detail in the table of contents are both dependent on each other.
• The books of different fields are having different format of the table of contents.
• If we suppose to write a book about the English language, where the table of contents are available after the copyright notices and the title page.
• Then in the technical journals, the table of contents appears before foreword and preface. Memo and reports are also having a table of contents.
When a book is written by different authors and it contains articles, stories, and different chapters, it surely has a table of contents. By going through the table of contents, you can find out the required story and its author.
• After the title page opens a new page, where you can put the table of contents. Digital and printed tables are two different type of table of contents.
• In the digital table of contents, the links are provided to connect to each part of the book. Whereas in a printed table of contents, the page number is printed to the reference of the chapter, chronologically.
• The table of content should be formatted properly.
• All main sections are to be listed as a table of content starting with the main sections abstract to dedication page.
• Subsections are not to be to be listed. Titles are considered to be the heading second level.
• Headings and titles are the same as the text.
• Numbers are exactly what the chapter’s number.
• The numbers of the table of contents should be in roman and subheadings are put under numbers.
• Numbers are put against the subchapters as well as main chapters.
• The pages are numbered correctly
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Writing table of contents for nursing students come after the title of the assignment document. Then comes the table of contents in the next two pages. The first level of headline is
• The introduction. The page number.
• The information
• Philosophy of the nursing program me.
• The degree of masters in science specializing in nursing
Then certain second-level subheadings are put under level one subheading. This deals with the course description. Requirements for joining college. It gives guidelines for the nursing course and also all other medical courses. After some subheadings, again level headings come up.
In this form, the table of contents is written. Followed by the first page that is an introduction. The table of contents should write in a well-formatted way. Headings must have a brief description of the content topic.
APA paper does not need any table of content, neither has it assisted to give guidelines to the content. Table of contents acts like road maps. The numbers and the chapter name, help to identify the page number and topic the topic to be discussed. Appendices must be included.
Again the first headings will be
1. Introduction.
2. Scrutiny of the subject. It has subheadings also
3. Case history
4. premeditated recommendations
5. ending
All these headlines and sub-headlines are followed by numbers of the pages.
Some guidelines are provided to write APA format
• On all the sides of the paper should have 1” margin.
• Recommendations from APA are to use font Times new roman and size should be 12pts.
• As per the guidance, you have to write if any special requirements.
• A new indentation for every new heading level. The last level indentation from there an additional indentation indented.
Open MSWord and then open the required document. The table of contents to be entered into an empty paragraph. Click the Insert menu and then reference and then click tables and index. Table of contents is considered to be a most important feature of any kind of professional documents. TOC is a must for any kind of book, article and professional documents, assignments and many more. is the assignment writing help to write assignments at 24x7, which is 100% plagiarism free. which is giving 100% accuracy and the assignments are written in eminent writers holding degrees in that particular subject.
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