Law of Torts Assignment Question
In the case of Edington v. Fitz Maurice (1885) 29 CH. D. 459 at 483, Justice Bowen, L.J. stated that “the state of a man’s mind is much a fact as the state of his digestion.” And several centuries before 1885,
Brian C.J. said, “it is common knowledge that the thought of man should not be tried, for the Devil
himself knoweth not the thought of man”. Another distinguished judge, Lord Macnaghten, in, in the case of Allen v Flood (1898) AC. I commented that “it is the act, not the motive for the act that must be regarded”.
Bearing in mind these three quotations, discuss the two concepts of intentions and motives in the Law of Torts to which the three judges were referring. Illustrate each concept with a decided case.
Constitutional Law Assignment Question
Quoted in Constitution, Governance and Democracy, AV Dicey stated the following:
“Democratic sentiment, further if not democratic principle, demands that law should, on the whole, correspond with public opinion; but when a large body of citizens not only are opposed to some law but question the moral right of the state to impose or maintain a given law, our honest democrat feels deeply perplexed how to act”.
Making reference to the constitution-making processes in Zambia, discuss the statement above
Criminal Law Assignment Question
The criminal is a special branch of public law that is distinguishable from civil law such as contract and torts. In your well-reasoned and researched opinion, what distinguishes criminal law from other branches of law?