21440- Nursing Management Skills Assignment answer

21440 Management Skills – Positive Character Strengths in Nursing

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  • Code: 21440
  • Subject Name: Management
  • University: University of Technology Sydney



Introduction to Spotting Positive Character Strengths in Nursing Students

The purpose of the assignment is to discuss the strengths-based character and have a key analysis of the literature review. As an individual, the character is defined as the key strengths that could identify it ubiquitously with the subset of personality traits which has been more morally valued. As per the views shared Niemiec (2020) that mentions strengths-based character is based on thinking, feeling, and even behaving which comes naturally and easily to any person (Sharp, 2020). The character strength is also how one can function with high performance and key understanding of own limitations (Quinlan, 2019). Individual strengths can be similar to the talents, but a character’s strength is more about the moral values (whether for the intrinsic reasons or the valuable tangible outcomes (Niemiec, 2020).

Literature Review of Spotting Positive Character Strengths in Nursing Students

As Sharp (2020), has asserted in his literature, that the strongest character is defined as the individual own stability and having a wider range of thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is also a distinctive approach that could distinguish from other strengths. The strength is based on the prodigies or role models that can further define the true character. As some people do not have a similar strength, which one individual has, the aim is to focus on the key characteristics which define the individual true strength. Niemiec (2017) has mentioned that 24 character strengths are segregated under the six virtues of wisdom along with the defined knowledge (for example the creativity, curiosity, having open-mindedness along with the predefined love, learning, and having set perspective). The other characters are the courage (for example, honesty, bravery, includes the persistence and even having a zest) along with defined humanity (that focuses on the key elements of kindness, love and even defined with the social intelligence); having a key justice (which includes, the fairness, having the leadership along with the teamwork), even the temperance (which is to forgive others, have a key modesty, prudence, and even the self-regulation)( Niemiec, 2020). Lastly, transcendence (which is to key appreciate beauty, excellence, and even hold a high beauty. Shogren (2017) has provided evidence that it also includes factors like gratitude, hopes to have key humor, and religiousness/spirituality.

The Realize 2 model states that the strengths can be based on energy, performance, and having a set use, that can define one own identity (Niemiec, 2019). The strengths can be based on the realized strengths that are well known and even have unrealized capacity’s which has not been well explored. Haslip (2019) has identified the learning behaviors which has not been practiced and even having the key behaviors which come naturally and are not energizing. Character strengths are more about the individual vitality, having a set subjective along with the psychological wellbeing that can relate to the progression of goals (Niemiec, 2019). Strength may lie to work in a resilient environment that could produce better results in stressful events. Florin et al (2020) has mentioned that the strengths are known to be a natural capacity or a predefined way of thinking that can come easily concerning the person having set moral values.

The strength-based approach, can be an individual defined unique qualities that can be used during the circumstances and to improve the overall wellbeing, and also approach to reduce the issues and nurture relationships (Lottman, 2017). Character strengths are the best way to describe the six domains of the model that can provide a positive education. For example, the student who uses their strengths within the academic performances has shown a strong relation to achievement and accomplishment. It is the continuous engagement and aims to achieve the accomplishment. Strengths can help to engage and provide a better scope of self-concordant goals (Aul, 2020). Identifying the strengths can be a way to overcome the weakness, and it a useful strategy to work on the areas of improvement and understand one own limitation when delivering the quality result.

Strengths can be in the person’s wittiness, kindness, having a key perspective, thinking about fairness, and to have leadership qualities that define my nature and true values. Strength can be defined as one own right, that could underline the proposed benefits and even provide the key attributes to hold a substantial success in the given life domains (Florin, et al, 2020). Such as someone can be more knowledgeable as they hold higher academic skills or knowledge, while others are more loved due to their nature, behavior, and attitude (Haslip, 2019). The strengths can be distinguished such as displaying one own emotion, being creative, and be persistent, depends on the person’s upbringing, individual characteristics, and even can be the background (Aul, 2020). The strengths as per me can define (1) the key contribution to the good and full life; (2) can hold the key values that can relate to own right and not purely due to its outcomes; (3) can be not attributed to the negative impact over the others.

Conclusion on Spotting Positive Character Strengths in Nursing Students

It is concluded that strengths characters such as hope, spiritually acclaimed approaches and even having an inner and outer beauty and excellence. The strengths character can be identified as having a true meaning that derives life purpose and meaning. The strengths can be mental and emotional wellbeing, along with having a fair physical characteristic. Including, the strengths-based character framework, can help streamline and achieve one own goal. As an individual can explore, identify, and even use their strengths, to build a key strategy to achieve success. Strengths spotting has been identified to be challenging, but understanding the true characteristic of oneself can help to communicate the true self that can be observed within the individuals and benefit oneself and relationships.

References for Spotting Positive Character Strengths in Nursing Students

Aul, K. (2020). Spotting Positive Character Strengths in Nursing Students. Nurse educator45(4), 228.

Florin, M., Schrimmer, L., McCargo, S., Bohn, T., & Caton, C. (2020). Fostering Hope and Enhancing Resilience through Character Strengths Interventions.

Haslip, M. J., Allen-Handy, A., & Donaldson, L. (2019). How do children and teachers demonstrate love, kindness, and forgiveness? Findings from an early childhood strength-spotting intervention. Early Childhood Education Journal47(5), 531-547.

Lavy, S. (2020). A review of character strengths interventions in twenty-first-century schools: Their importance and how they can be fostered. Applied Research in Quality of Life15(2), 573-596.

Lottman, T. J., Zawaly, S., & Niemiec, R. (2017). Well-being and well-doing: Bringing mindfulness and character strengths to the early childhood classroom and home. Positive psychology interventions in practice (pp. 83-105). Springer, Cham.

Quinlan, D., Vella-Brodrick, D. A., Gray, A., & Swain, N. (2019). Teachers matter: Student outcomes following a strengths intervention are mediated by teacher strengths spotting. Journal of Happiness Studies20(8), 2507-2523.

Niemiec, R. M. (2019). Finding the golden mean: the overuse, underuse, and optimal use of character strengths. Counselling Psychology Quarterly32(3-4), 453-471.

Niemiec, R. M., Shogren, K. A., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2017). Character strengths and intellectual and developmental disability: A strengths-based approach from positive psychology. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities52(1), 13-25.

Niemiec, R. M. (2020). Character strengths cinematherapy: Using movies to inspire change, meaning, and cinematic elevation. Journal of Clinical Psychology76(8), 1447-1462.

Sharp, J. E., Niemiec, R. M., & Lawrence, C. (2017). Using mindfulness-based strengths practices with gifted populations. Gifted education international33(2), 131-144.

Shogren, K. A., Niemiec, R. M., Tomasulo, D., & Khamsi, S. (2017). Character strengths. In Handbook of Positive Psychology in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (pp. 189-199). Springer, Cham.

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