200984-Government and Public Law Assessment Answer

200984-Government and Public Law Assessment

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  • Referencing Styles: Not Selected
  • Words: 1500
  • Course Code: 200984
  • Course Title: government and public law
  • University: Australian Catholic University
  • Country: AU



Instructions this assessment item consists of three steps:

1. Read the anti-exemplar essay (attached), identifying errors and instances of poor academic writing. Then, using the track changes function in Microsoft Word, correct any errors, and add marginal comments against passages that you think need to be changed, edited, moved or removed. (To do this, highlight the whole passage to which the comment applies, don’t just place the cursor in it). Aim to relate these comments to the criteria in the rubric below. If you prefer, you can complete the task by printing out the essay, using pen/pencil to annotate it, and then scanning the result to make a pdf (if you choose to do this, please make sure writing is clear for me to read).

2. In the rubric (below) please circle or highlight the standard (HD, D, C, P, F) that you believe fits the anti-exemplar essay on each criterion. You might circle or highlight different sentences in different columns. Please also provide a justification as to why you think the essay meets that standard. There is no required word count for the comments in this section, but please keep your comments within reasonable limits to expedite the marking process.

3. At the end please add a reflection on draft essay (attached and was also completed by a previous expert): what changes will you now make to develop it? And/or what are the aspects where you realize you were on the right track?

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