Native Bush Spices Australia
Project Status Report
<Name of Project>
Report for:
Project Manager:
Project objective:
- Project Progress Summary
Briefly describe the Project’s progress towards meeting its target outcome during this reporting period. Anecdotal information may be provided.
- Milestones
This section should reflect key dates for activities as specified in the Project Management Plan
Milestones | Target date | Actual date | Impact |
Description of milestone | Target date as per project plan | Actual date achieved | Briefly describe any changes to the project schedule required as a result of the amended milestone(s). |
3. Budget4. Project
Indicate total project funding, planned expenditure and actual expenditure. Include remain in budget
Total Project funding | $ |
Planned Expenditure for this reporting period | |
Actual Expenditure for this reporting period. | |
Remaining budget for life of project |
Include additional comments as required regarding overspend or surplus/underspend in this reporting period.
4. Project Risk Management Statement
Include information on project risks to date.
Risk | Predicted likelihood | Seriousness | Actions to be taken |
Brief description of project risks arising | Include likelihood attributed to risk in project plan | Include consequences attributed to risk in project plan | Include actions to be taken based on original risk treatments identified. |
5. Recommendations:
Brief statement(s) for the Operations Manager to consider and/or endorse as applicable.