Native Bush Spices Australia Project Status Report <Name of Project> Report for: Project Manager: Project objective: Project Progress Summary Briefly describe the Project’s progress towards meeting its target outcome during this reporting period. Anecdotal information may be provided. Milestones This section should reflect key dates for activities as specified in the Project Management Plan Milestones Target date Actual date Impact Description of milestone Target date as per project plan Actual date achieved Briefly describe any changes to the project schedule required as a result of the amended milestone(s). 3. Budget4. Project Indicate total project funding, planned expenditure and actual Read More …
Tag: Project Status Report
BSBPMG522 Project Monitoring Question Answered Assessment Task 2
BSBPMG522 Project Monitoring Question Answered Assessment Task 2 Task Summary: For this assessment task, students are required to conduct and monitor the project for the development of the website, including developing a brief for the project to provide to website developers and preparing a project status report. They will then be required to meet with the new Customer Service Officer, introducing them to the project and offering their support. This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.. What do I need in order to complete this assessment? Computer and Microsoft Office Access to the Read More …