BSBLDR501 Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence
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Name: Signature: Date:
Background: Your organisation is considering adopting the theory of Emotional Intelligence within the organisation.
You are a Team Leader and have been asked to implement Emotional Intelligence principles and strategies with your work team. You will do this by answering the following questions. Ensure you make reference to the organisation of your choice in your responses.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Explain Emotional Intelligence by looking at one (1) Emotional Intelligence model. How does an individual’s emotional intelligence impact others? Refer to the organisation structure to help answer this question (250-300 words).
Describe the relationship between emotionally effective people and their ability to attain business objectives. Refer to the organisation’s strategic goals and business goals to help answer this question (250-300 words).
Complete the Emotional Intelligence quiz at
- a) Reflect on the results of your quiz. Do you agree or disagree with the results and justify your response (150-200 words).
- b) Based on the results of your quiz, identify your OWN personal emotional strengths and weaknesses, stressors and triggers (150-200 words).
- c) Develop at least 5 open-ended questions you can ask work colleagues for feedback about your emotional intelligence.
- List at least 2 strategies you can you put in place to develop your emotional intelligence? Explain how you will model behaviour that demonstrates the management of your emotions? (250-300 words)
The following two (2) workplace scenarios have occurred in your organisation.
Scenario 1: You reprimand an employee for being late to work on a number of occasions; the employee bursts into tears.
For this scenario 1, complete the following questions:
What are the emotional states of the individuals involved (100 words)? (Both you and the employee)
How would you respond to the emotional state of the employees involved (100 words)?
Explain how you could support the employee involved to develop their emotional intelligence (100 words).
Scenario 2:
You find that an employee is not performing as expected and when you ask the employee to discuss this they become very angry.
For this scenario 2, complete the following questions:
What are the emotional states of the individuals involved (100 words)? (Both you and the employee)
How would you respond to the emotional state of the employees involved (100 words)?
Explain how you could support the two employee involved to develop their emotional intelligence (100 words).
Provide 2 examples of varying cultural, emotional expressions?
Explain how you would communicate effectively taking these cultural expressions of emotions into account by completing the table below (200 words):
- a) Why is emotional intelligence important in building workplace relationships (100 words)?
- b) Explain how emotional intelligence can it be used to build workplace relationships (100 words)?
- c) Refer to and discuss at least two workplace relationships in the organisation as examples (100 words).