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Module Description
This Module requires you to attend particular classes or events at particular times online. This module provides an opportunity to critically examine leadership and management from social, cultural, political, and economic perspectives, recognising current imperatives in the global context of contemporary business. In the module you will compare and contrast traditional and modern approaches to leadership and management, engaging with management styles and practices from different regions and cultures, and informed by a diversity of examples and case studies. You will also systematically examine and reflect on your leadership disposition, skills, and behaviours. The GAME+ attributes covered in this module are: Influence and Impact; Critical Self-Management and Skills Mastery.
The first component is aimed at critical reflection of a particular context where the learners are expected to analyse the key organisational and cultural elements in proposition of a leadership strategy. The second component focuses more on own critical reflection. The learner will be able to demonstrate a holistic impact of organisational, cultural factors along with his / her own leadership capacity followed by the developmental plan [COHERENCE and CONSOLIDATION]. The CHOICE of a recent / current scenario (C1), Personal reflection and development plan (C2) makes it CONTEMPORARY and CHALLENGING in nature.
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Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes | Assessment |
LO1: Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of traditional and modern approaches to leadership, management, motivation, and personal development. | Reflective Report – Coursework 3000 words |
LO2: Critically analyse and appraise different approaches to leading and managing within distinct organisational and complex cultural contexts. | Practical Presentation and Write-up – 1500 words critical piece with a 15-minute summary presentation live to class |
LO3: Systematically examine and reflect on your leadership disposition, skills, and behaviours. | Reflective Report – Coursework 3000 words |
LO4: Identify personal and professional leadership goals and devise a strategy for their attainment. | Reflective Report – Coursework 3000 words |
Assessment 1
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO2: Critically analyse and appraise different approaches to leading and managing within distinct organisational and complex cultural contexts.
Assessment Brief
The first assessment component is a reflective written assessment of 1500 words. You will choose one of the vignettes critically examined during the workshops and will analyse the key organisational and cultural elements of the specific context; you will propose and justify a leadership strategy appropriate to the scenario in a 15-minute live presentation to your peers.
The write-up should be a Word document with evidence of reading and research (references). You must:
- Draw on authentic, recent / current whether global or local case-study of your own choice [CHOICE]
- Critically analyse and appraise approach (es) to leadership and management within the context of organisational and cultural context [CHALLENGE]
- Propose a suitable leadership strategy along with justification
Checkout: Project Leadership and Management MCQ
Assessment 2
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1: Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of traditional and modern approaches to leadership, management, motivation, and personal development.
LO3: Systematically examine and reflect on your leadership disposition, skills, and behaviours.
LO4: Identify personal and professional leadership goals and devise a strategy for their attainment.
Assessment Brief
The second assignment component is a written report of 3000 words. You need to systematically and critically demonstrate an understanding of traditional and modern approached on leadership and Management. Based on your engagement with appropriate literature and a critical personal reflection on your leadership disposition and ambitions, you will propose a strategy for attainment of personal and professional leadership goals.
(Assignment component 1 requires you to reflect on another leader using a vignette and reflect on his / her leadership. While assignment C2 is all about your own leadership skills – [COHERENCE])
Your report should include:
- Your CV / Profile (2 pages only) outlining your current and past experiences – appropriate to cohort as course assumes all learners are current / future managers and / or leaders [COHORT]
- A critical appraisal of literature relating to leadership theories – traditional and contemporary. A reflection to own leadership style and its impact.
- A critical evaluation of your own leadership behaviour (style) and skills based on the outcomes of self-assessment instruments, theory and practice
- A synthesis of justified and creative strategies for improving your own positive leadership behaviour (style) and skills
- A Leadership Development Plan identifying how the strategies will be implemented and a critical reflection of its implementation. [CHALLENGE]
Detailed Guidance:
You should use the format specified with the headings/sub- headings indicated below. The emphasis for the assignment must be your development as a future manager/leader. The concept underpinning this assignment is that it is only when knows oneself can real development take place.
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Please follow the following format:
- Records Section
- CV / Profile
In this section you should include brief details of your work experience and qualifications in the form of a curriculum vitae (no more than 2 pages). Please note that a CV is essential.
Note: CV is not part of the word count
- Leadership Theories and Personal Reflection
Critically appraise of literature relating to leadership theories – traditional and contemporary. A reflection to own leadership style within the context of job role and its impact should be discussed.
- Self-Assessments
You should also include in this section evidence of any self-assessment instruments, which you have used, together with evidence of seeking the views of others in regard to your skills, qualities, and general attitudes. It is expected that you will use most of the self-assessment instruments used in class (e.g. work preferences, drivers, negotiating/conflict handling style, leadership style and problem-solving style) as well as others (such as 360 degree appraisal), which you discover for yourself.
You should briefly explain what you understand by each framework and also provide an explanation and critical discussion of what your scores mean. Findings of assessments should be cross-mapped where possible.
- SWOT Analysis
A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) should be provided as a summary in bullet points clearly driven from the findings of self-assessment instruments.
- Personal Development Plan
You should generate a detailed personal development plan by identifying and prioritising four developmental objectives, based on the work carried out in the previous sections. State how you think you will achieve these (resources, timelines, review dates, evidence of achievement) and indicate in which ways things will be different once you have made progress. Critically reflect on challenges which might hinder your progress.
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