PMAR01-6 Marketing Management Practice Assignment Answers

PMAR01-6 Marketing Management Practice Assignment Solutions


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  • Number of Words: 2500


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Assignment C (PMAR01-6)




Read the Amazon case studies and recommended reading again (provided in Assignment A and B), before answering questions that follow:


You have been assigned the role of assistant to the Marketing Manager for Amazon South Africa. You are required to assist in compiling components of the marketing plan.


You will be using the answers to the following questions to structure your marketing campaign.


Question 1


STEP 2: Assessing external environmental factors

This question relates to the second target market segment (existing Amazon customers who can obtain limited goods via international shipping to South Africa) only.


1.1 Explain how each internal environmental factor listed below could impact a South African Amazon follower’s engagement with a “question sticker” Instagram story:



1.2 Consider the external consumer decision-making factor ‘social class’. How can social class play a positive role in making Amazon a success in South Africa? In your answer, remember the marketing problem you aim to solve is: “Which product categories do the South African consumer want Amazon to make available?”


Question 2


STEP 3: Marketing objectives and marketing mix strategies


Consider your answers to STEP 1 and 2, and read the content below, before answering the question that follows.


From the case study context, and your research on segment two of the target market, it is clear that Amazon South Africa strategically has two split objectives in mind:


  1. Gain market research insight into what the South African market wants access to from Amazon via current international


  1. Gain market research insight into what the South African market wants access to from Amazon which can enhance their local offering when retail operations


To achieve these objectives, Amazon South Africa will create a “question sticker” Instagram story to gain market insight from their page followers. This concept will be called “Product Insight 2022”.


You plan to centre the Instagram story around product categories, which may include market research insight into categories such as: beauty, books, cell phones & accessories, consumer electronics, pet supplies, sports and office products.


You are aiming to get customers to reply with an answer to the “question sticker” on the Instagram story to address your marketing problem: “Which product categories do the South African consumer want Amazon to make available?”


To increase the chance of audience participation, an incentive will be offered: a discount voucher for first time Amazon buyers.


2.1 Propose two alternative Instagram story tools for market research that would be useful to Amazon in understanding the South African market’s product preferences. Motivate how each tool would work.


Note: ensure that your proposed ideas align with the established objectives and that they are novel i.e. not the same as the established “question sticker” tool in the “Product Insight 2022” concept idea that was mentioned previously.


2.2 Conduct an extended marketing mix 7P’s analysis that details the stipulated “Product Insight 2022” Instagram story with “question sticker” and customer incentive, along with how its implementation will be integrated.


Tip: Research how other brands have used the “question sticker” in Instagram stories of a similar nature so that you have a practical view of how these look and work.


Question 3


STEP 4: Marketing material portfolio

To present your marketing plan, you need visual evidence of how you would like the Instagram story for “Product Insight 2022” to be presented to the customer via Amazon’s South African page.


You therefore need to design a mock-up of an Instagram story that could, in theory, be published by Amazon South Africa.


You will need to include:

  • The “question sticker” with a relevant
  • Brief information on the discount voucher


Remember to reference any sourced visuals.


Recommended websites that you could use to create your mock Instagram story content:





The quality of your referencing, according to the Milpark Reference Guide, as well as spelling, grammar and professional document layout, will be evaluated according to the assessment criteria in the following marking rubric:


 Criterion0 marks2 marks3 marks4 marks5 marks
ReferencingSources haveSourcesMostOnly someTheAll sources
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technicalcorrectlybeenhave nothave notsourcesreferenced
carereferencedreferenced/beenbeenhave beenin detail
 (according toreferencedreferencedreferencedreferencedaccording
 the Milparkcorrectly,correctlycorrectlycorrectlyto the
 Referenceand theaccording toaccordingaccordingMilpark
 Guide), andspelling,the Milparkto theto theReference
 the spelling,grammarReferenceMilparkMilparkGuide, and
 grammar andandGuide, andReferenceReferenceall of the
 documentprofessionalonly a smallGuide, andGuide, andspelling,
 layout arecompilationportion ofmost of thethegrammar
 professionallyof thethe spelling,spelling,spelling,and
  are notandandandal
  for realcompilationalalof the
  workplaceof thecompilationcompilationdocument
  use.document isof theof theis highly
   for realisarefor real
   use.for realfor realuse.


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