Critical Leadership Reflection: Individual written Assessment
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Course learning outcomes covered
Learning Outcome 2: Critically reflect on their own leadership practice.
Task 1 Leadership Reflection
Task 2 Leadership Event
| Task 1 Leadership Reflection: · Introduction: (150 words) Provide an overview of the purpose of the assessment task and the content that is being presented in the document.
· Reflective Writing: (1000 words) Compose a piece of reflective writing that reflects on your experiences of leadership and the development of your knowledge of leadership throughout the course. What did you know about leadership before attending this course and what have you learned since then? As part of this, reflect on your learning about at least three important leadership theories, styles or models that you found useful and inspiring for your future development. This includes a reflection of leadership learnings based on a Māori perspective.
Task 2 Leadership Event: (1600 words)
· Leadership event: Secondly, as part of the evaluation of your learning, critically reflect on one significant leadership event, incident or situation that you have experienced in your life.
· This critical reflection on this must include:
1. A clear and detailed description of the event and the context in which it occurred. This may include events that led up to the experience.
2. An evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader in the situation; including how this provides an evaluation of your leadership skills and attributes, with reference to leadership theories, concepts and paradigms.
3. A critical evaluation of what was learnt and potentially what you may have done differently had you been able to apply your new learning about leadership from this course. This includes an understanding of how this applies to leadership from a Māori perspective. This should be supported by reference to leadership theories, concepts and paradigms in your evaluation.
4. Conclusion: (250 words) Summarise the main points of the leadership reflection and critical evaluation of the leadership event.
Finally, now that you have attended this course, reflect on your leadership aspirations. What would you like to achieve as a leader in the future? How are you going to apply your learning from the course and other experiences to achieve these?
References (intext citations in APA 7th edition format) are required when referring to sources used in the Leadership Reflection (Task 1 and Task 2).