How Did Steam Locomotives Lower The Cost of Transporting Raw Materials and Finished Goods?

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How Did Steam Locomotives Lower The Cost of Transporting Raw Materials and Finished Goods?

A. They were uncomplicated and inexpensive to build.

B. They were safe and cut the chance of costly accidents.

C. They could transport many materials or goods at once.

D. They cost nothing to run because they ran on steam.

Answer: (C) They could transport many materials or goods at once.

Explanation: One of the features of the Industrial Revolution and a significant rise in production is the steam locomotive. Steam locomotives made it possible to deliver significantly more semi-finished items at once and more often than previously possible. As a result, output has increased, profits have climbed, and transportation costs have decreased because of the variety of items provided simultaneously, which is one of the fundamental tenets of the economy.

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