Case Study on Hotel Heritage – How Does MIS Play a Vital Role in Developing Their Business?

MIS Case Study on Hotel Heritage

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Case Study

The Hotel Heritage is centrally located in the city of Calicut. The Hotel has seven departments such as front office, restaurant, banquet, stores, housekeeping, accounts and room service. The Hotel has 49 centrally air-conditioned deluxe rooms and 42 well-furnished non-air-conditioned rooms. For holding meetings and conferences, the Hotel has two conference halls with a capacity of 100 and 300 people and a boardroom. It also has a multi-cuisine restaurant, catering coffee shop and 24-hour room service. Heritage started building its information technology infrastructure with an initial investment of Rs. 5 lakhs.

The Hotel is planning to spend more on IT infrastructure and to set up a website. Most of the routine transactions with customers have been computerised, and more applications are being developed to computerise all of its transaction processing activities. Apart from transaction processing, they fail in providing online services to the customers. Besides software problems, poor security of the data and low reliability of the network are problems vexing the management.


  1. What facilities should the Hotel set up to increase the customer base?
  2. What can additional security measures are suggested to improve the Hotel’s data security and system reliability?
  3. How do MIS play a vital role in developing their business?




Reference ID: #getanswers2001264


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