BSBPMG522 SD Project Status Report Template

Native Bush Spices Australia

Project Status Report

<Name of Project>
Report for:

Project Manager:

Project objective:

  1. Project Progress Summary

Briefly describe the Project’s progress towards meeting its target outcome during this reporting period. Anecdotal information may be provided.

  1. Milestones

This section should reflect key dates for activities as specified in the Project Management Plan

MilestonesTarget dateActual dateImpact
Description of milestoneTarget date as per project planActual date achievedBriefly describe any changes to the project schedule required as a result of the amended milestone(s).


3. Budget4. Project

Indicate total project funding, planned expenditure and actual expenditure. Include remain in budget

Total Project funding$
Planned Expenditure for this reporting period
Actual Expenditure for this reporting period.
Remaining budget for life of project



Include additional comments as required regarding overspend or surplus/underspend in this reporting period.

4.  Project Risk Management Statement

Include information on project risks to date.

RiskPredicted likelihoodSeriousnessActions to be taken
Brief description of project risks arisingInclude likelihood attributed to risk in project planInclude consequences attributed to risk in project planInclude actions to be taken based on original risk treatments identified.

5.  Recommendations:

Brief statement(s) for the Operations Manager to consider and/or endorse as applicable.


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