Principles of Logistics Management Essay Questions and Answers

Reference Style: APA Pages/Words: 8 Pages/2000 Words Principles of Logistics Management Essay Selected Organization (Nestle) What are the important concepts relevant to the logistics management by an organization and explain them briefly the best concept of logistics management. INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment Submission: All assignment copies are to be handed into lecturers on the specific due date agreed upon. Assignment Brief: Select a manufacturer that you are familiar with and assume that you are the Logistics manager of this organization. Determine the area in which logistics and the core functional areas (like production, marketing, finance and accounting) might interface and analyses the Read More …

Unpacking Continuity and Change as a Process of Organizational Transformation Questions & Answers

Organizational Transformation Questions & Answers We have abundant evidence to suggest that organizational transformations occur through a process of continuity and change rather than disruptive upheaval. In this study, we identify the mechanisms that characterize the process and how they impact upon the organization’s potential to achieve the intended transformation. Based on an in-depth qualitative study of change in three case firms, we make three observations. First, in response to change initiatives the more strongly competing values for continuity and change are expressed, the stronger the simultaneous forces pushing back and pushing for the change, which generates an energy that Read More …

A Proposed Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Continuous Change Programmes Questions & Answers

A Proposed Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Continuous Change Programme Abstract- Many studies report that it is difficult to sustain change. This article focuses on how an organization can initiate and sustain a continuous change process. A theoretical model is proposed as a fusion of two previous models for evaluating the sustainability of a change programme; the first is based on analyzing stakeholder interest balance as a prerequisite for organizational sustainability, the second on analyzing the design of the implementation, indicating whether long-term effects will be achieved. It is argued that the combination of these factors provides a more Read More …