CASE STUDY –Power & Politics

CASE STUDY –Power & Politics The Politics of Backstabbing Scott Rosen believed that he was making progress as an assistant manager of a financial-services company—until he noticed that his colleague, another assistant manager, was attempting to push him aside. On Read More …

CASE STUDY-ISSUES IN LEADERSHIP-Generation Gap: Mentor and Protégés

As a generation of baby boomers nears retirement, many are mentoring their future replacements, Generation Xers. Some boomers have found the process difficult. William Slater, a 47-year old computer engineer who participates in his company’s formal mentoring program, has had Read More …

CASE STUDY-Personality and Values – The Rise and Fall of Carly Fiorina

For a long time, Carleton S. (“Carly”) Fiorina was one of the best-known CEO’s in the world. Brought in as Hewlett-Packard’s (HP) CEO in 1999, Fiorina was instantly recognisable for her charisma, visibility, and aggressiveness. Practically every OB book (including Read More …

Law of Business Organisations – Case Study

(a) “This is the most significant economic event since the Great Depression”  (Hon Prime Minister Kevin Rudd MP Weekend Australian 11-12 October 2008) In response to recent upheavals, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has placed bans on short Read More …

HI5003 – Economics for Business & Assessment Task

HI5003               Economics for Business                      Tri2 2015                 Topics for Individual essay   DUE Week 6 Choose any One of the topics from the following list: Micro economics – study of individual behaviour – individual industry like education, meat industry, Read More …

A written Submission & Assignment Task

Assessment Task 4: A written submission (or equivalent) that presents a critical account of an issue of social justice or the common good. Length: 2000 words or equivalent Weighting: 50% Due date: STREAM 1: Monday October 19 by 12 noon Read More …

ACC60005 Company Analysis & Supported by Study Help

Analyse and interpret financial reports and other relevant media about a business entity in order to assess both past business performance and future prospects. 2. Demonstrate an ability to work in a group, and to effectively access, organise and then Read More …

EE 547A — Cache Design Project – Case Study Help

For the project, assume a 16-bit memory byte address. Part 1.  Design three caches with the following organizations.   The cache size for each cache is 64 bytes.  The block size is 1 word (where 1 word = 4 bytes). Design Read More …

ME3050 Advanced Dynamics And Control – Case Study Help

 School of Engineering and Applied Science ME3050 Advanced Dynamics and Control Deferred/Referred Coursework Summer 2015  You have been deferred or referred in ME3050. To satisfy the deferred or referred requirement you are required to provide full solutions to the following Read More …