Referencing Styles: Harvard
The assignment has 3 parts. They are as follows; Research trail- This should explain the strategies or methods you’ve used to find relevant source materials and provide an evaluation of that material. However, it should indicate the chosen topic. Indicate primary sources (textbooks, documents and reports) and secondary sources (textbooks and newspaper. PS- Never reference Wikipedia.) The research trial should consist of 1250 words. 2) The main essay- The topic I want you to write on is “AN APPRAISAL OF JUVENILE JUSTICE IN NIGERIA; A CASE STUDY OF CHILD’S RIGHT TO INDEPENDENT LEGAL REPRESENTATION AND FREE TRIAL”. It should talk about the extent to which the juvenile justice in Nigeria complies with the international children’s rights. It should consist of 3000 words. 3) Skills reflection- This should focus on how the work you have undertaken in general in the module and this assignment in particular has developed your academic skills. Eg- managing your own learning, communication skills, problem-solving, group or teamwork, use of IT, etc. This should consist of 750 words. PLEASE NOTE- Label the assignment with their various subheadings for easier identification and reading.
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