LEAD 601 Assignment Help with Questions and Answers
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- Topic / Subject: Assignment
- Pages/Words: 1000 Words
This LEAD 601: Our Management experts have solved leadership and Professionalism Stress and Time Management Strategies Assignment Answers at AssignmentTask.com. Our Management Assignment Experts are efficient to provide a new or fresh solution to these questions. We are serving more than 110500+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score high grades in their academics.
Activity #1 – Apply the Wellness Wheel to your life.
For each dimension of the Wellness Wheel:
a). Rate your wellbeing on a scale of 1-10 (1 – very unhealthy | 5 – struggling | 10 – very healthy)
b). Provide a brief explanation of your ratings and include specific example(s) (3-5 sentences)
c). Briefly discuss ideas for improving your weakest dimensions. Be specific (3-5 sentences)
Activity #2 – Identifying Your Stressors and Stress Management
Step 1) List your top 5 stressors.
Step 2) Discuss your coping strategies.
a) Which are effective and which are harmful?, and;
b) Are there other coping strategies you could integrate? Be specific.
Activity #3 – Time Management Strategies
1. Your circadian rhythm is the cyclical 24-hour period of human biological activity. In other words, it explains why we generally have more energy at certain times of the day than It is fairly consistent for each individual on a day-today basis.
In this LO, we looked research presented by When by Daniel Pink that showed a trend in people’s moods, which is pictured below:
a) Does your circadian rhythm follow a similar pattern or not? Explain.
b) Chart out your hourly energy levels from when you wake up to when you go to sleep, in a similar format as the chart above.
c) How will knowing your energy levels throughout the day affect how you spend your time? Provide specific examples.
2. An important aspect of managing your time is creating a schedule. This strategy may be more effective for some people than others.
For this activity you are required to create a one-week schedule with the following instructions:
- Each hour you are awake, you must schedule something;
- An example template is provided on the following page. You can use this template if you want to or you can create your own if you prefer.
3. A to-do list helps some people to relax and manage time and stress by writing down all of their upcoming tasks. This helps people relax because they know they will not forget to complete a task, so they can stop thinking about it until it is time to complete it.
Create a to-do list for the next two weeks.
- Include all tasks related to Including personal tasks is optional.
- Make sure you prioritize the tasks on your to-do list (i.e., what is most important/urgent, what is moderately important/urgent and what is low important/urgent).