For our business model START UP (online platform for education) I need the financial part in excel (with explanations) but also in power point as pitch. (Attachment TRACK1). I need graphs calculation etc. to put also in Power point, as requested in TRACK1.
With reference to the document TRACK 2 I am interested in developing the part (how you will make money).
I ask you to immediately look at the attached Excel document (Financial Part & Demographic Data) to the orange page called Conny – INFO MATRIX. In this sheet you will understand the business model that is divided into Developing and Developed.
On the yellow sheet DEM page. DATE AGE 0-14 & 15-24, you find 20 countries and at the bottom on the right you can find the number of children from 0 to 14 and from 14 to 20, the number of IB accredited schools and the DEVELOPPING and DEVELOPPED countries.
I need a job to build a financial plan From 1 to 5 years. I need to apply SaaS or E-commerce models, perhaps using one for Developing and another for Developed.
Also in the Excel file you will find the sheets (Costs, SaaS and E-commerce). In the Costs sheet I have listed some costs but maybe they do not go well (is calculated for a YEAR), we need to understand how to divide them between DEVELOPPING and DEVELOPED. Perhaps there are also other costs that I will send you tomorrow, if you can, or if you have some cost ideas go ahead.
Try to understand if you can use the three pages (Costs, SaaS and E-commerce). Or if you want to proceed differently through other etc. systems.
In addition, the professor also advised us on the following things:
- Marshall-Van-Alstyne
- Thomas Eisenmann
- Multi-sided platform business model economics
- Network effect
- Cross-side subsidy
- Determine Potential market share: English speaking and English-wanting-to-speak
- Draw a diagram
Financial Part & Demographic Data – 20 Counties (1)
I ask you to immediately look at the attached Excel document (Financial Part & Demographic Data)