CS6004NA Application Development 1st SIT Coursework Questions
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Software Development Task
Design and implement a C# desktop application (not a web-based or database application) that helps a recreation centre to manage the visitor’s records. The recreation centre opens for visitors from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 7 days a week (from Sunday to Saturday).
Currently the recreation centre is using a paper base manual system to keep records of tickets and visitors. Recreation centre has different ticket options based on age (child and adult), based on days (holidays and weekdays), and based on group (Group of 5, Group of 10) and time duration (1hr, 2hr, ….., unlimited)
The application is to keep track of each visitor’s detail with time duration that they spend inside the recreation centre and application also need to keep the ticket price rate base on different age group and number of visitors.
The application should implement the following functions:
- To import ticket price rate data and visitors in-out time from a text file (e.g., in .CSV format for bulk data input), or to allow employees to insert ticket price rate using the system.
- To generate and display two different reports, (a) daily report by listing the total number of visitors with different visitor category set by the employee in ticket option (child, adult and group): (b) the other weekly report, in report it must include no of visitors on each day (from Sunday to Saturday) and sorted by total no of visitors and total earning in each day.
- To display weekly chart showing each day’s total number of visitors and total earning (Sunday to Saturday)
- Save and retrieve the ticket details and visitors in-out time.
Note: You may add extra features – both data and functionality to the application, if you wish. Note: system must give flexibility to enter the ticket options by admin.
Ticket Rate | 1Hr | 2Hrs | 3Hrs | 4Hrs | Whole day |
Child (5-12) | 400 | 700 | 1050 | 1450 | 2200 |
Adult > 12 | 550 | 1000 | 1500 | 2100 | 2700 |
Group of 5 | ….. | …… | …… | …… | ……. |
Group of 10 | …… | …… | …… | …… | …….. |
Group of 15 | …… | ……. | ….. | …… | …….. |
Group of …… | …… | …… | …… | ……. | ……… |
Note: You may add extra features – both data and functionality to the application, if you wish.
Your software implementation should demonstrate the following features
- Use of appropriate data types (built-in and programmer-defined) to handle the application data
- Use of appropriate data structures e.g., arrays/linked-list for the required programming scenario
- Use suitable algorithms g., sorting
- Define and use your own class or classes
- Provide either console-based or window-based user interface for your application
- Save and retrieve the object’s state using
Your submission should include the software project and a reflective essay as described below.
- Your software artefact in the form of a Visual Studio 2013 project, which should include the program’s source code, compiled classes, the executable file and data file (if any).
- A reflective essay (1000 words), which concisely documents:
a. detailed instructions to run the program
b. the architecture of your software in terms of software classes, clearly indicating which classes to be of your own work and which classes from other sources (e.g., from textbooks, online sources such as MSDN ).
c. detailed description of the classes’ properties and methods
d. description of your algorithm to build the feedback/rating distribution chart in the form of a flowchart and/or decision
e. which data structures and which algorithms you have used, in which part of your program, and
f. your reflection of own experience of using C# and Visual Studio for the development task, which feature you like and why, what issues you experienced and your solution to overcome
Section | Topics | Full Marks |
A | Implementation of Application | |
1 | User Interface and proper controls used for designing | 20 |
2 | Track visitors enter exit time to a file and retrieve and show in list | 20 |
3 | Validation of the application done properly. All input fields should be validated properly | 20 |
4 | Allow admin to set tickets rate and employees to track visitors in-out records | 20 |
5 | Report to show weekly chart showing each day’s total number of visitors and total earning | 20 |
6 | Save and retrieve the ticket details and visitors in-out time | 20 |
7 | List different ticket options based on age (child and adult), based on days (holidays and weekdays), and based on group (Group of 5, Group of 10) and time duration (1hr, 2hr, ….., unlimited) | 20 |
8 | Import csv file – feature | 10 |
B | Documentation | |
1 | Detailed instructions to run the program | 5 |
2 | Concise description of your logical solution to each of the implemented functions of the application. | 5 |
3 | The software architecture, i.e., classes and their purpose | 5 |
4 | Detailed description of the classes’ properties and methods | 5 |
5 | Individual member own reflection of own experience | 5 |
C | Programming Style | |
1 | Clarity of code, Proper Naming convention & comments | 5 |
2 | Sensible naming of programmer-defined variables, classes, properties and methods | 5 |
3 | Useful comments in code | 5 |
4 | Data validation and exception handling | 5 |
5 | Interface design and usability of the system | 5 |
Total Marks | 200 |
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