I Need the Financial Part in Excel with Explanations but Also In PowerPoint as Pitch

For our business model START UP (online platform for education) I need the financial part in excel (with explanations) but also in power point as pitch. (Attachment TRACK1). I need graphs calculation etc. to put also in Power point, as requested in TRACK1. With reference to the document TRACK 2 I am interested in developing the part (how you will make money). I ask you to immediately look at the attached Excel document (Financial Part & Demographic Data) to the orange page called Conny – INFO MATRIX. In this sheet you will understand the business model that is divided into Read More …

FINC 0300 Financial Management Assignment 2: Case Study On Pear Computer Horizons

Assignment 2: Case Study – Pear Computer Horizons ________________________________________ It is January 1st, 2018. You are a senior analyst at Pear Computer Horizons Limited (PCH), one of the leading global technology providers for computers, cell phones, and business services in Canada. The CEO of PCH, Amanda Morrison, has reached out to you to draft a report to evaluate two investment proposals, building on your analysis from Assignment 1. Purpose For this case approach, you will demonstrate your ability to develop costing methods and a set of forecasts of future cash flows for two proposed investment projects. You will also be Read More …

Financial Management- Solution Manual Questions and Answers

 To provide solutions to 7x questions provided in the attached file related to Financial Management  To provide solutions to the followings 7 Questions: Q 1) Right Issue                                                                                                                                             Briefly explain what is meant by “Right Issue” and explain its role in the Protection of Shareholders’ interests. Briefly explain in Principle a Right Issue has NO impact on the Wealth of Shareholder, whether the Shareholder decides to invest in the issue or sell the Rights to acquire additional shares. Carpets Direct plc wishes to increase the number of its Retail Outlets in North America. The BOD has decided to finance the Read More …

BBPW3103 Financial Management 1 Assignment Semester Januari 2019

This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in both Malay and English. / Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris.   Answer in Malay or English. / Jawab dalam  bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris.   Learners are to submit assignment only in MsWord format unless specified otherwise. Please refrain from converting text/phrases into picture format such as .gif/ .jpeg/print screen / etc. / Anda dikehendaki menyerahkan tugasan dalam format MsWord melainkan dinyatakan sebaliknya. Anda tidak dibenarkan untuk menukar teks/frasa tugasan tersebut kepada format grafik seperti.jpeg / .gif / print Read More …