ACFI5067 Contemporary Issues in International Financial Reporting Assignment

ACFI5067 Contemporary Issues in International Financial Reporting Assignment Help


Assignment Detail:-

  • Number of Words: 4000


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Assignment Brief

This assignment requires you to do the following:

Part A– Perform Financial Analysis in about no more than 1,500 words (i.e., critically evaluate and compare the financial performance and position of two public listed companies and make recommendations. Note: Copies of each company’s annual report appears on the Blackboard assignment folder.)

Part B – to write a 2,000 word-length critical essay on a topic theme concerning the International Financial Reporting regulations.


This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:

Understand the nature, purpose and scope of financial reporting in socioeconomic context;

Be able to critically evaluate the role of international financial reporting standards and the mechanisms and or theories laid out for standardising financial reporting for the world;

Explain the need and importance of non-financial reporting in the context of environmental, sustainability accounting and CSR reporting;

Explain and evaluate corporate governance and auditing;

Develop communication and critical research skills to discuss and evaluate a variety of literature pertaining to the multidisciplinary area that governs financial reporting;

Develop skills required for an independent and self-managed learning;

Assessment Details

The word length for Part A is approx. 1,500 words. You must write a quality financial analysis report that can show a real-world/professional approach to the work.

The word count for Part B (i.e., a critical essay) is 2,000 word-length.

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark for work less than minimum and also for exceeding the word limit by 10% or more for Part B. (a minimum is 2,000 words; max is 2,200 words). The word-length requirement excludes the references list and appendices.

Academic Support and Your Well-being

Referencing is the process of acknowledging other people’s work when you have used it in your assignment or research. It allows the reader to locate your source material as quickly and easily as possible so that they can read these sources themselves and verify the validity of your arguments. Referencing provides the link between what you write and the evidence on which it is based.

You identify the sources that you have used by citing them in the text of your assignment (called citations or in-text citations) and referencing them at the end of your assignment (called the reference list or end-text citations). The reference list only includes the sources cited in your text. The main referencing guide can be found here and includes information on the basics of referencing and achieving good academic practice. It also has tabs for the specific referencing styles depending on whether you require Harvard style used in business or OSCOLA style used by the Law school.


You are an investment adviser, and you are asked to report approx. 1,500 words to the board of directors of INV1 plc. You have been provided with the published annual reports (Year 2021) for the following two companies:

Total Energies plc; and

BP Plc


Based on the content of the financial statements and other relevant information in the latest annual reports of both companies, you are required to:

Use a range of relevant techniques to critically evaluate and compare the financial performance and position of both companies. Also, critically evaluate the impact of Covid 19 pandemic and oil and gas prices on both companies’ financial performance. Your analysis should use the significant and important, in your view, financial ratios and all the information at your disposal to critically evaluate and compare both companies’


Liquidity position



(Include all calculations, workings and formulae used in an appendix to your report)

ACFI5067 Contemporary Issues in International Financial Reporting

Part A

All of the presented financial ratios are accurately calculated.

All significant financial ratios are correctly interpreted and compared, and changes in all significant ratios are identified with sound explanations. Excellent linkage is made to other ratios in order to explain changes in ratios.

Thorough evaluation and discussion of the effect of Covid 19 pandemic and oil and gas prices on companies’ financial performance which has been logically derived from financial ratios’ analysis and supported by evidence from the annual reports, news and literature.

Part B

This INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT requires you to write a 2,000 word-length essay on a topic theme concerning the International Financial Reporting regulations. The overall assignment should be at least 2,000 words. A maximum of +10% (i.e., +200) range is allowed. (Note: The list of references is not included in the word count)


In theory, the newly implemented IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers may reduce the scope for creative accounting practices. But in practice, the shift from “limited” to “detail” reporting may make the financial statements appear less transparent for users.


Write an essay of about 2,000 words in length critically discussing the issues concerning the new IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers standard for both – preparers and users of financial information.

For your essay:

You must utilise the relevant literature to demonstrate your understanding related to revenue recognition accounting standard.

Your essay must provide a good synthesis as well as critical analysis.

Wherever possible, demonstrate your point(s) with brief, but relevant examples.

Assessment Criteria


(e.g., What is Revenue? How it should be recognised? etc)

Critical Discussion & Synthesis

(i.e., conceptual/regulatory implications based on relevant literature sources and review, examples etc.)

Structure (reflecting a clear academic writing style)


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