Writing Help on Case Study

Assessment Description:

Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow. using an essay format.

Case study

Jack has contacted you to discuss counselling for his 16-year-old daughter, Danni. Jack and his wife, Crystal, divorced when Danni was 6 years old and Danni lived with her mother, with regular contact with Jack, since the divorce. Three years ago, Crystal was diagnosed with lung cancer and after a long battle with the disease, passed away 6 months ago. During Crystal’s illness, Danni continued to live with her and only moved in with Jack, his current partner, Alison, and their 10 year old daughter, Sophie when Crystal was too ill to stay at home. Jack feels that Danni has not really settled in her new home and often argues Jack and Alison. She spends a lot of time alone in her bedroom and refuses to take part in family dinners and is becoming increasingly isolated and only seems interesting in talking to her friends. Jack is worried that she is not fitting into the family and that she is not coping with her mothers’ death.

Jack asks your advice on what sort of counselling could be most helpful for Danni. He has heard that family counselling could be helpful but is unsure of why or what it involves.

  1. Explain the key differences between family systems therapy and individual therapy in working with Danni.

  2. Explain what family systems therapy involves and how it could help Danni.

  3. Discuss the value of individual counselling for Danni and explain how it could help her with reference to Person-centred counselling.

  4. Discuss Danni’s developmental status and how that would influence the approach and interventions you would choose.

  5. Explain the personal characteristics of an effective counsellor and what would make you an appropriate counsellor for Danni


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