Essay on Healthcare System


Healthcare System

Assessment Item 2: Analysis of a Healthcare System Task Description Select any country in the world and using an essay form of academic writing, address the following questions: 1.How is healthcare funded and delivered in the country compared to Australia? 2.Identify any areas in the country, or groups of people within the country, where access to healthcare is less than ideal in terms of health resources being allocated according to the principles of equity, efficiency and effectiveness. 3.Explain why this has occurred. 4.How does this country’s health care system compare with Australia’s health care system? 5.Identify two (2) or three (3) important health problems facing the country. Please supply data to support your choice of problems.

The assignment length is 2500 words. You are to pick one other country and compare the health issues that you identify to Australia unless the country is so different to Australia that comparison of the health system issue is not able to be achieved, you may then (and only then) choose a similar country for comparison. For instance in some 3rd world or considerably under developed countries, it may make more sense to compare it to another similar country. If you are in doubt email me. You may pick two or three issues to compare for that section of the assessment but whether you pick two or three issues the word limit of the assignment remains at 2500 words. The reason for the level of flexibility is due to the variety of issues that students wish to compare however, this level of flexibility seems to be confusing for some students. If in doubt, compare everything to Australia.


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