BSB50613 Diploma of HR Management – Assignment Task Help

Updated 3rd April 2013 V1.5 BSBHRM506A Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes


Unit of Competency:
BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment,
selection and induction processes
/ 40
C or NYC

Intellectual Property of
The Australian Institute of Professional Education (AIPE)
BSB50613 Diploma of HR Management
BSB50207 Diploma of Business
HR02 Recruitment, Selection and Induction

Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
Updated January 2014 V1.5 BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes
Please ensure this form is fully completed (including signature) prior to submitting.
This page should be on the front of your assessment and needs to be easily accessible.

Student ID Number: Class Batch:
Student Name:
Unit code &
BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment,
selection and induction processes

BSB50613 Diploma of Human Resource Management
BSB50207 Diploma of Business
Due Date:
Module: HR02 Recruitment, Selection, & Induction

Trainer’s name:
Assessment Part Title: Case-Study
Part No:
Assessment Part Two (2)

Plagiarism is the act of representing as one’s own original work the creative works of another, without appropriate
acknowledgement of the author or source. To avoid plagiarism – it is required that you write your assessment answers in
your own words, but, also reference any sources of information using the Harvard Referencing system (please ask your
Trainer/Assessor if you require support with this).

Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assessment as his or her own which is in fact the result in whole or in part of
unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more students in
plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and as such both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or
copying from other students is not permitted and will result in a “0” grade and NYC.
Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who engage in plagiarism
and collusion as outlined in the school’s policies. See ‘Student Discipline/Misconduct Policy’ and ‘Assessment Policy’
Assessments must be typed using document software such as MS Word; no handwritten assessments will be accepted
(unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the Trainer/Assessor to confirm)

I hereby certify that:
1. This assessment task is my own work based on my personal study/research and not the work of another student and/or source
2. I have acknowledged all material and sources used to prepare this assessment task.
3. I have not plagiarised or copied any part of this assessment task from the work of any other student or source either.
4. This assessment task has not previously been submitted.
5. I am aware of the requirements set by my trainer.
6. I have retained a copy of this assessment task for my own records in the event I have to reproduce my work.

Student’s Signature: _________________________________ Date _______________________
ASSESSMENT TRACKING: – Refer to the Marking Guide for assessor’s comments.
□ Draft
Due Date:_______________________
□ Submission
Due Date:______________________
Date submitted:__________________
Final Mark:________________
Result: □ Competent
□ NYC*
□ Re-submission
Due Date:______________________
Date submitted:__________________
Final Mark:________________
Result: □ Competent (ungraded)

□ NYC*
* Please indicate a reason for Not Yet Competent (NYC): (please select)
□ NYC – after Academic Penalty □ NYC – after resubmission □ NYC – not submitted
Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
Updated January 2014 V1.5 BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes

Your assessment will be required to be typed in Arial font size 12 only. You will provide your
completed assessment for all of Part Two in one document with a cover page (included in this
assessment tool on page 2).

You are required to professionally format your document including spell-check and to clearly
indicate each Task answer [e.g. Task 1 (a.) then the answer, Task 1 (b.) then the answer etc.]
according to this Assessment Tool Task requirement. You may lose marks if you have not spellchecked
your document (as this is a professional formatting requirement, a business skill).
Whenever conducting a Presentation, you must always provide copies of MS PowerPoint
slides as evidence to your Trainer/Assessor.

Be sure to properly reference your sources of information using the APA referencing system.
For more information go to:

1. Student Handbook – latest version

2. AIPE Connect online resources; or

3. Ask your Trainer/Assessor to provide you with this information

In order to determine if you are addressing this assessment adequately in terms of
competency/comprehension (prior to due date) a draft copy of your assessment should be
discussed during class time in consultation with your Trainer/Assessor. For this feedback/
support from your Trainer/Assessor, you will need to bring to class your “draft copy” with any
evidence of the research you have conducted to produce the assessment.

AIPE accommodates students with reasonable adjustments to training and assessment. This
could include variations in course delivery or assessment methodology and it is the
responsibility of Trainers/Assessors to coordinate this in consultation with the
Academic/Compliance Coordinator or Trainer Coordinator. When making reasonable
adjustments to assessments and assessment processes, assessors need to focus particularly
upon validity and fairness.

If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your
Trainer/Assessor to apply a reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your
Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies.
Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
Updated January 2014 V1.5 BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes
Element 3:

Induct staff
In task 1 you are required to take responsibility for managing staff induction in your organisation.
Again, use the BEST Pearls Ltd case study from Assessment Part One.

Task 1
(a) Induction Program
Based upon the case study provided (BEST Pearls), you need to design a ‘New Employee Induction
Checklist’ that would be useful to Human Resources staff that covers all the key outcomes
required to successfully induct a new starter/employee, including any requirements specific to BEST

Induction checklist must include:
 Instructions for the new employee and their supervisor
 BEST Pearls “Code of Conduct”
 Two relevant Policy and Procedures (of your choice) to be discussed during the induction session with
reasoning (why they are relevant)
 Explanation of how to ensure the Induction process is being followed
 Initial expectations that have been set for new staff to better understand BEST Pearls as an
organisation overall
 A post-induction questionnaire (created by you) which can be used to obtain reliable feedback from
the new employee covering: the extent to which the induction process is meeting its objectives and
any recommendations they may have to change or modify the system at BEST Pearls.
TIPS: Induction preparation and Induction program
(b) Contract Letter
Design a Contract letter for the new employee (the Warehouse Manager) including all the important
elements of employment and the organisation’s expectation(s) of him/her.
Task 2 – Probationary Period
In this task you are required to manage a probationary employee. Use the BEST Pearls case study
example below.

Boris, a new Warehouse Supervisor, has been working for BEST Pearls Pty Ltd for one month. He has
been late to work on three occasions. Boris is ‘not a morning person’ and although he is supposed to
work from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, on three occasions he has arrived at work after 9:15am
without telling anyone he would be late. The conditions of employment in Boris’ contract states clearly
that if he is going to be more than 5 minutes late to work that he is expected to call his direct manager
as soon as he knows he is going to be late.

Also, Boris is a ‘chain smoker’ and BEST Pearls Pty Ltd is a smoke-free workplace. Boris is continually
leaving the office every hour or two to have a cigarette.
Finally, Boris is openly gay and occasionally flirts with the ‘straight guys’ in the office. Everyone at BEST
Pearls has warmed to and understands Boris is just joking and everyone in the office really likes Boris as
a person and laughs at his behaviours.

Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
Updated January 2014 V1.5 BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes
(a) Imagine that you are one of the BEST Pearls Human Resources Professionals. Create a performance
review on Boris during his probation period (include any relevant legislation on equal opportunity,
industrial relations, anti-discrimination or workplace harassment legislation).
Objectives Key performance requirements Actual
to be considered
e.g. Increased productivity
(Quality, cost & time)

Sign in & Sign off sheets
Late on regular
(b) If you had to conduct a performance feedback session for Boris based on your chart above in (a).
EXPLAIN HOW you would advise Boris to make improvements he requires to ensure his employment
is confirmed (rather than terminated) in the future.

Intellectual Property of The Australian Institute of Professional Education
Updated January 2014 V1.5 BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes

Student Name :
Student ID Number:
Assessor Name:
Unit of competency: BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes
Date of Assessment:
The student has provided evidence that they have: Yes No Value Student
a) Designed a ‘New Employee Induction Checklist’ that would be
useful to Human Resources staff and included:

 Instructions for the new employee and their supervisor /2
 BEST Pearls “Code of Conduct” /5
 Explanation of how to ensure the Induction process is being
 Initial expectations that have been set for new staff to better
understand BEST Pearls as an organisation overall
 A post-induction questionnaire (created by you) which can be used
to obtain reliable feedback from the new employee covering: the
extent to which the induction process is meeting its objectives and
any recommendations they may have to change or modify the
system at BEST Pearls
b) Designed a contract letter for the new employee (the Warehouse
Manager) and included all the important elements of employment and
the organisation’s expectation(s) of him/her
a) Created a performance review on Boris during his probation
period (included any relevant legislation on equal opportunity,
industrial relations, anti-discrimination or workplace harassment
b) Explanation to Boris based on your chart above in (a) on
improvements he requires to ensure his employment is confirmed
(rather than terminated) in the future.
Total Marks 40 /40
The student’s performance was:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Student signature:
Assessor signature:

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