Assessment item 1—Individual report
Due date: | Week 6 Friday (28-Aug-2015) 05:00 PM AEST | |
Weighting: | 20% | 1 |
Length: | 2000 words (±10%) |
This assessment requires you critically analyse the system design process of a project using the theory and principles studied during the course. This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1 to 5.
Read the introduction to the system design process on page 69 of the recommended text as background for your report.
Write a report which critically analyses the system design process of a project. Projects might include designing a light rail network for a city, more environmentally-conscious buildings or a mine facility. You might not be involved in the project personally, but some connection with the project would make the analysis more meaningful. The report should analyse the following:
- Conceptual system design
- Preliminary system design
- Detail design and development
You may wish to refer to Chapters 2-5 in your recommended text. To demonstrate your research skills and understanding, the report should:
- Include relevant theories and models
- Draw upon relevant sources like journals, books or reputable trade publications in analysing the project (at least 10 publications, including a minimum of 3 peer reviewed research articles)
The report should follow the Business Report Format.
The Preliminary Section should include the Title Page, the Executive Summary and a Table of Contents. The Body of the Report should have an introduction, conclusion and recommendations. It should also include your analysis and discussion. You don’t need to include the Assumptions section. The report should also have a Reference List (and Appendices if required). You are expected to use the Harvard Referencing style for the paper.
The 2000 (±10%) word length includes only the Body of the Report. It does not include the Preliminary Section (Title Page, Executive Summary and Table of Contents), the reference list or appendices.
Assessment Criteria
Introduction (5 Marks)
- Conceptual system design (10 Marks)
- Preliminary system design (10 Marks)
- Detail design and development (10 Marks)
- Quality of literature and supporting material (10 Marks)
- Content case analysis (10 Marks)
- Research skills (10)
- Grammar and spelling (5 Marks)
Submissions are done online via Moodle.
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