The Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Indigenous Australians

What is the prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Indigenous Australians? 

Words: 2000+

Get Assignment Answers on The Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Indigenous Australians. Assignment Task provide Literature review assessment solution on Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease. Our Professional expert provide Public Health Assignment Help and Nursing Scenario Based Assignment Help at best price in Australia, UK and USA with 100% Unique Content.



Public Health Assessment Overview

Literature review

Value 40%

Word count: 2000 words excluding in-text and end-text referencing (10% leniency either way)

NOTE: 2000 words ± 10%. Markers will stop reading at the maximum allowable word count.

Why is this assessment relevant?

As you progress from a Student Nurse to a Registered Nurse you may be exposed to areas within your working environment where evidenced based research will be a fundamental element of your career. This literature review will provide you with the understanding of the existing research and relevant databases that is relevant to your particular topic or area for future study, and to present that knowledge in the form of a written report. By conducting a literature review helps you build your knowledge in your area.

The Three (3) most current chronic conditions that contribute to the burden of disease in Australia are Cancer, Coronary heart diseases and Mental illness.

Therefore, the three (3) topics to choose from for your literature review are.

Topic 1: Cancer

Topic 2: Coronary heart disease

Topic 3: Mental illness

Assessment criteria:

  • You have been provided with three topics to choose from for your literature review.
  • Use Australian Journal articles ONLY

Use Quantitative Systematic Literature Review (Meta-analyses) to analyse the articles on this topic.  See attached article on Literature reviews.

  • Your population can be specific to either Australian’s, Aboriginals, or Torres Straight Islanders.


  • A template has been provided for you to use.
  • Adhere to standard academic writing and paragraphs.
  • Headings are okay to use avoid the use of dot/bullet points.
  • Use 11 or 12pt font either calibri or arialONLY.
  • Ensure you have a footer with page numbers and your student name/number
  • Reference list at end of document using APA 7thedstyle, with a minimum of 15 references used including research articles no older than 10 years (reference does not contribute to word count).
  • Use third person (no I or me) in academic writing and write as if this is something you intend to do.


Literature review question: What is the prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Indigenous Australians?

Title: The Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease ( CHD) in Indigenous Australians.


  • Objective:
  • Background:
  • Methods:
  • Discussion:
  • Conclusion:
  • Keywords:





Maximum mark for assessment is 100 converted to 40%



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