CPPDSM4015B Minimise Agency and Consumer Risk Assessment Answers

CPPDSM4015B Minimise Agency and Consumer Risk Questions: To Minimise risk to all aspects of agency business and consumers. It includes identifying potential risks to the agency and its clients, analysing the causes and potential impact of risks, and implementing agency policies and procedures to minimise risks to the agency and consumers. What is the definition of ‘risk’ and how is it measured? What is meant by the term “duty of care” in relation to an agency? To whom does the agency owe a duty of care? Name 3 different types of risk that EACH of the below agency clients/customers may Read More …

CPPDSM4009B Interpret Legislation to Complete Agency Work Assessment Answers

CPPDSM4009B Interpret Legislation to Complete the Work Questions: To source and interpret legislation affecting real estate operations. It includes identifying and applying statutory interpretation techniques, identifying and tracking changes to relevant real estate legislation and industry codes of conduct and maintaining appropriate records. Real estate practice requires compliance with federal, state and local legislation. List (3) laws which comprise the legal framework that real estate agencies operate in. Explain the components of statute law. Name at least 4 pieces of legislation, regulations or codes of practice that are relevant to real estate operations. List (3) ways information on legislative, licensing Read More …

CPPDSM4080A Assessment Answers on Work in the Real Estate Industry

CPPDSM4080A Work in the Real Estate Industry Questions: To gain a basic understanding of the industry and work ethically and effectively in a real estate agency. This includes awareness of ethical and conduct standards, core functions of real estate agency operations, legislative and regulatory framework within which the industry operates and industry employment requirements. Who is the principal in a real estate transaction and what are the duties of an agent in regards to the principal? Some other roles and responsibilities of the licensee in charge, sales representative, property manager and support staff. List the 3 main forms of business Read More …

CPPDSM4008A Identify Legal and Ethical Requirements of Property Sales to Complete Agency Work Assessment Answers

Identify Legal and Ethical Requirements of Property Sales to Complete Agency Work Questions: An awareness of the legislation relating to property sales, the role and responsibility of agency personnel in property sales, the administration of sales transactions and the completion of sales documentation. What are some of the main responsibilities of a real estate salesperson? How can information on legislative, licensing and regulatory requirements and other aspects of agency operations be accessed? Name 4 main pieces of federal, state or territory legislation that cover the sale of property? Identify 3 risks that could affect a buyer, seller or an agency Read More …

CPPDSM4012A List Property for Sale Assessment Answers

CPPDSM4012A List Property for Sale Questions Prospect for listings, establish client requirements, plan and deliver property listing presentations, finalise listings for the sale of property, and record and act on client instructions. This unit does not address listings for property management. What legislative and regulatory requirements are relevant to real estate operations? How can information on legislative, licensing and regulatory requirements and other aspects of agency operations be accessed? What codes of conduct relate to listing properties for sale? As a real estate agent raising your profile is important name 2 activities that you could undertake to assist with networking Read More …

CPPDSM4022A Assessment Answers- Sell and Finalise the Sale of Property by Private Treaty

CPPDSM4022A Sell and Finalise the Sale of Property by Private Treaty Questions: Qualify buyers, arrange for potential buyers to inspect listed properties, deliver effective sales presentations, submit offers and negotiate property sale with sellers and buyers and maintain communications with sellers and prospective buyers. It also includes monitoring the process between exchange of contracts and settlement for all types of property and businesses and preparing documentation for agency disbursements. What are some of the methods of sale of property? What is sale by private treaty? What legislative and regulatory requirements impact on sale of property by private treaty? Provide an Read More …

CPPDSM4010A Lease Property Assessment Answers

CPPDSM4010A Lease Property Screen tenant enquiries, conduct inspections, obtain and review tenancy applications, complete tenancy agreements or lease documentation, place tenants in property and record tenancy arrangements. List 4 ways that a tenant enquiry may be received into the agency. What is the difference between a fixed term lease and periodic lease? Name at least 3 legislative or regulatory requirements that will impact on leasing property? a)  Name at least 4 areas of reference you would check during the tenant screening process b)  What specifically are you looking for when checking these references? How would you respond to a tenant Read More …