Equality, Diversity and Discrimination in Health and Social Care Questions and Answers

SH4003 Week 3 Equality Diversity and Discrimination in Health and Social Care Dr Alya Khan Recap Last week we explored the idea of EQUALITY. We saw that: It is a ‘contested concept.’ It does not mean ‘the same’ or ‘identical.’ There are different interpretations of: – WHY equality should be valued, WHO should be treated as equals? & WHAT should be done exactly to treat equals equally We saw that for people to be EQUAL, they must share AT LEAST ONE feature, But also they must be DIFFERENT in other respects They must be DIVERSE DIVERSITY is an unavoidable characteristic Read More …

Week 10 Empowerment in Health and Social Care Assignment Questions and Answers

Empowerment in Health and Social Care SH4003 Week 10 Dr Alya Khan   Empowerment The term ‘empowerment’ is nowadays familiar & frequently used in health & social care It’s used across relevant disciplines: sociology, psychology, politics, health promotion, public administration (Barnes & Bowl, 2001) It’s applied to diverse groups of people: women, ethnic minorities, gay communities, nurses, students, older adults, etc Some claim that it’s so overused; it has become meaningless (Marland & Marland, 2000) How should the concept of ‘empowerment’ be understood? It has mainly been interpreted in 2 different ways:   Collectivist social action Individualistic consumerism   History: Read More …