BCOM02-5 Business Communication Assignment Answers

BCOM02-5 Business Communication Assignment Solutions     Question Identify an organisation of your choice where you have gained some work experience (like your current place of employment) or where you are allowed to be an observer for two to three days.   You will be required to: observe the interpersonal communication at the chosen collect evidence of interpersonal write a report on your findings with an improvement plan and relevant   Your report must be a maximum of five pages (excluding the table of contents and list of references) and follow the structure as indicated in the marking guidelines table Read More …

BCOM02-5 Business Communication Assignment Answers to Questions

BCOM02-5 Business Communication Assignment Help     SECTION A – EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Question 1 Use the following table to recommend the most appropriate medium of communication, based on the purpose, audience and situation given in the cases below. Consider the written and spoken medium.   Purpose Why? Audience To whom? Situation/Context When and where? Medium How? 1. Inform about meeting Work colleagues Working in the office 2. Entertain with funny story Friends You are at work, your friends at home 3. Explain Bank manager Application for study loan 4. Inform Public You are unhappy about company’s service 5. Explain Lecturer Read More …