Strategic Management Assignment Question and Answer

Best Strategic Management Assignment Answer to Question

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Give a background of the chosen organisation. This should include information such as:

  1. Company description (constituents and services offered) and brief history
  1. Leadership
  1. Parent company or subsidiary information
  1. Branches/locations
  1. Operational highlights – number of employees, goals, and accomplishments.

The ultimate goal of strategic management is the attainment of competitive advantage. With reference to your chosen organization and with adequate theoretical context, critically discuss the organizations competitive advantage.

Using specific examples analyse the general key forces driving the industry of your chosen organisation. What are the implications for your organisation?

As a follow-up to question 1.3 above analyse the competitive forces of that particular industry.

What phase of the industry life-cycle is your chosen organisation in? Critically discuss the strategies your chosen organisation should be deploying to in order to survive in the phase that it is in.

1.1·  This background should give the marker a good sense of

the chosen organisation based on the required criteria in the question.

1.2· A solid academic context on the concept of competitive advantage.

· Analysis and application of the theory via the chosen

entity will maximise marks.

1.3· Demonstrate a firm understanding of the theoretical concept and apply it to the chosen organisation.

·The use of specific examples is key.

1.4· Identification of the specific competitive forces is key.

·Examples     should    be    specific    to    the    particular organisation.

1.5· Demonstrate a deep understanding of the concept of industry life cycle.

· Application is key in the discussion of the relevant




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