Chernobyl Incident from Systems Perspective Assignment Solutions

Chernobyl Incident from Systems Perspective Assignment Essay


Assignment Details:-

  • Topic: Chernobyl Incident from Systems Perspective
  • Document Type: Research Paper
  • Subject: Other
  • Words Count: 2500
  • Citation/Referencing Style: APA


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Choose any systems-related subject matter (concept, case study, etc.) in general systems theory that is of interest to you. Prepare a semester term paper (scholarly endeavor) that provides an in-depth analysis of the concept or organizational situation you have chosen. You are free to choose the subject matter (non-engineering or business subjects are permitted). What I am looking for is your ability to analyze a system using what you have learned in this course and apply your “systems thinking” to the chosen subject. Note – the work must be and written in a scholarly manner – scientific paper.


Must have the following:

-Select any literature, business, or engineering text OR novel OR software project OR other such systems (i.e. engineering disaster) for your analysis.


-Provide an:

Abstract (Executive Review) Introduction

Summary of the text or project situation

An analysis of the text or project situation from a systems theory perspective, including the analytical method used and any results (if relevant) in your work

Implications of analysis and points learned through the analysis Conclusion

Bibliography Appendices (if needed)


-Use the tools and concepts learned in class (CLD, BE Diagrams, etc.)


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