BSB108: Business Environment A Study on London EV

BSB108: Business Environment A Study on London EV

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Brief :

Learning Outcomes

LO1Evaluate the different types, size and scope of organisations.

LO2Determine the interrelationship of the various functions within an organisation and how they link to organisational structure.

LO3Use examples to demonstrate both the positive and negative influence the macro environment has on business operations .

LO4Evaluate the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific businesses and explain their interrelationship with external macro factors.


You have been hired as an Internin alarge international organisation (youmay choosethe organisation of your choice).

The organisation hired you for planning to develop new operations in the UK. Before beginning these new operations, the managers who have been appointed to run the project team want an up-to-date analysis of the UK business environment.

To help them finalise their decisions the Project Team Managers have asked you to draw on the knowledge you have gained on your HNC programme, with that carrying out your own in-depth research.

In the report you have to explain the different types, size and scope of organisations inthe UK. Give examples from a range of organisations to demonstrate the interrelationships between their various functions and how these connect to the organisational structure.

You are also required to provide a PESTLE and SWOT analysis for the organisation, together with a presentation. In this you should evaluate the impacts that bothinternal organisational factors, as well as the external business environment, will have on thebusiness.

You are expected to identify both positive and negative impacts from the macro-environment;give examples, explain how the strengths and weaknesses of a business interrelatewith external macro factors; and comment on the effects that the business environment factors have both on business objectives and ondecision-making.

Assessment Criteria
LO1Explain types, size and scope oforganizationsD1 Analysis of the complexitiesofdifferenttypes ofbusiness structures and theinterrelationships of thedifferentorganizational functions.
P1Evaluate types andpurposesoforganizations;public, private and voluntarysectorsandlegalstructures.


P2Discussthe size and scopeof a range of different types oforganizations.

M1Explorehow thestructure, size and scopeof different organizationslink to the businessobjectives and productand services offered bytheorganization.
LO2Showthe interrelationship of the variousfunctions in an organization and how they link toorganizationalstructure
P3Evaluate the relationshipbetween differentorganizationalfunctions andhow they link to organizationalobjectives andstructure.M2 Analysesthe benefits and limitations ofinterrelationships betweenorganizationalfunctions andthe impact that can haveupon organizationalstructure.
LO3Use contemporary examples to illustrate both thepositive and negative influence the macroenvironmenthason business operationsD2 Evaluate theimpacts that both macroand micro factors haveupon business objectivesanddecision-making.
P4 Explainthe positive andnegative impacts the macroenvironment has uponbusiness operations,supported by specificexamples.M3ImplementthePESTLE model to support adetailedanalysis ofthemacro environment withinanorganization.
LO4Determine the internal strengths and weaknesses ofspecificbusinessesandexplaintheirinterrelationshipwithexternalmacrofactors
P5Implement internal andexternal analysis of organizationsin order toidentify strengths andweaknesses

P6Discusshow strengths andweaknesses interrelate withexternalmacrofactors.

M4Apply SWOT/TOWS analysis andjustify how they influencedecision-making.

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