Six Sigma Assignment Questions with Solutions
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Assignment Questions
1. What is Lean Six Sigma? Outline the benefits of Lean Six Sigma to organisations and individuals.
2. How can you form a team for the Define phase of a Lean Six Sigma project? Discuss the responsibilities of each team member of the project team of the Define phase.
3. How can you involve stakeholders in the Define phase? Explain the method of finalising the Lean Six Sigma project.
4. Discuss each component of the project charter of the Define phase in detail.
5. Why is Lean Six Sigma worth implementing? What happens if we don’t take up Lean Six Sigma project management now?
6. Describe the step by step procedure for installing the MS Excel add-in (Analysis Toolpak) for Lean Six Sigma project management.
7. How will you measure the current performance of a given process of project “Y” for discrete and continuous data? Explain your answer.
8. What is the importance of the descriptive statistics function in MS Excel? Give an example to demonstrate the function of the descriptive statistics function in MS Excel.
9. What is the objective of the Analyse phase of a Lean Six Sigma project? Discuss how to find out all the root causes for the “Y” project.
10. What is a histogram? Discuss the step by step solution for the histogram exercise.
11. What is a Pareto chart? Discuss the Pareto chart with an example.
12. What is the purpose of the Improve phase of a Lean Six Sigma Project? How will you explore the solutions to the root causes of project “Y” in the Improve phase of Lean Six Sigma?
13. Discuss the “Benchmarking” step to explore solutions to the root causes of project “Y” in the Improve phase. Write down the guidelines for effective brainstorming in the Improve phase.
14. Elucidate on the Creative Thinking phase to explore solutions to the root causes of project “Y” in the Improve phase of a Lean six sigma project.
15. Why do we need the Control phase for a Lean six sigma project? How will you verify the results of post improvement in the Control phase of the Lean Six Sigma project? Explain your answer.
16. Describe the steps of the Control phase of a Lean Six Sigma project, with individual examples.
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