Value: 18%
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Total Marks: 20
Answer the following questions:
- Represent the following two’s complement values in decimal: [5 marks]
- Show how the floating point value (1/16) would be stored using IEEE-754 single precision (be sure to indicate the sign bit, the exponent, and the significand fields) [5 marks]
- Charles Sturt University (CSU) has opened an IT Doctorate study in Sydney Study Centre. The applicant should have a master degree in IT or a master degree in electrical engineering. The applicant should also has completed project subject (e.g. ITC570, ITC571, …) in his master degree. Before CSU management staff approve student’s application, they have to check the entry requirement for the master degree and also check whether if the student has completed project subject in his master degree. After checking applicant documents, CSU staff has come to the following conclusions:
- Approve if applicant has one of the required master degrees and has completed project subject.
- Approve if applicant has two of the required master degrees and has completed project subject.
- Don’t approve otherwise.
Construct a truth table and find the minimized Boolean function to implement the logic telling the CSU staff when to approve. Draw a circuit diagram for the Boolean function. [5 marks]
- Complete the truth table for the following sequential circuit: [5 marks]
Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment.
This assessment task covers topic 3, and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:
- be able to apply Boolean algebra and digital logic to design and interpret digital circuits.
- be able to use different identities of the Boolean algebra
Marking criteria
Questions | Fail (<50%) | Pass (50% – 64%) | Credit (65% – 74%) | Distinction (75% – 84%) | High Distinction (>84%) |
Question 1 & 2
Neither the answers are correct nor the steps.
The answer is not correct, but the steps are correct. | The answer is correct or there were only a few slip of pen, or a step or two were missing. | Answer is correct
All steps were shown. |
Question 3 | The circuit design is incorrect and does not conform to the question. | Boolean expression is not correct, however the steps are correct. No or wrong circuit diagram. | The circuit design and the Boolean expression are correct but not minimised. Steps are correct. Minor mistakes in the Boolean algebra. | The circuit design is correct. The Boolean expression is minimised. All steps are explained. The circuit diagram is correct and neat. | |
Question 4 | Neither the answers nor the steps are correct | Answer is not correct, but the steps are correct. | Answers are all correct but there are only few mistakes in the steps. | Answer s are all correct and complete. All steps are shown and identities are listed |
Value: 5%
Due date: 19-Aug-2015
Alternative submission method
Total marks: 10
Answer the following questions:
- On the von Neumann, describe the process that the CPU must undertake to read a value from memory and to write a value from memory and to write a value to memory in terms of what is put into the MAR, MBR, address bus, data bus, and control bus ? [5 marks]
- Suppose that the following instructions are found at the given location in memory:
0040H LOAD 0060H
0041H MULT 0061H
0042H STORE 0061H
0043H LOAD 0062H
0044H ADD 0060H
0045H STORE 0062H
0060H 20
0061H 12
0062H 24
Show the contents of all CPU Registers; IR, PC, MAR, MDR, and AC. You need to provide all steps that reach you the final values. [5 marks]
Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment.
This assessment task covers topic 1, and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on an early. Moreover, it seeks to assess your ability to:
- be able to define and appropriately use computer systems terminologies;
- be able to describe the concepts of data computer architecture and organisation;
- be able to describe the relationship between computer hardware and software and how they play role in designing a computer.
Marking criteria
Questions | CRITERIA | STANDARDS | ||||
Fail (< 50%) | Pass (50% – 64%) | Credit (65% – 74%) | Distinction (75% – 84%) | High Distinction (≥85%) | ||
Question 1
Depth and breadth of knowledge demonstrated:
· Fails to grasp or address the core concepts, ideas and/or theories pertinent to the assignment (e.g. by not answering the question).
· Little or no evidence of reading/research relevant to the topic. · |
Some important ideas, concepts, or theories relevant to the topic have been overlooked, or insufficiently described to indicate a clear understanding.
Only a limited (or minimum) number of listed sources used to support the answer. Some sources lacking in currency, credibility and/or relevance. |
Mostly relevant ideas, concepts with few minor omissions.
Most listed sources used discrimination to support the answer. |
Main relevant ideas, concepts, theories covered, (but with very few minor omissions); and with some awareness of the provisional nature of knowledge and/or perspectives possible.
A variety of listed sources used with discrimination to support the answer |
All relevant ideas, concepts, theories covered with clear explanation, and with clear recognition of the provisional nature of knowledge and/or multiple perspectives possible.
Clear evidence of a wide range of relevant, current and credible sources used to answer/explore the question/task. Goes beyond listed resources to carry out independent research |
Clarity & succinctness of writing (including syntax, adherence to word limit and appropriateness for purpose)
Expression is unclear, rambling, and/or inappropriate for the genre; meaning is unclear.
Frequent grammatical and other errors seriously distract the reader. |
Expression and/or meaning frequently unclear or ambiguous, repetitive, not always to the point, and/or inappropriate for purpose.
Interspersed with numerous grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. |
Expression is clear. Expressions are ok.
Only few grammar, spelling & punctuation errors. |
Expression in the main clear and fluent, within word limit, and in the appropriate genre; meaning clear.
Grammar, spelling & punctuation is mostly free of errors. |
Expression clear, fluent precise, focused on the question, within word limit, and in the appropriate genre; meaning crystal clear
Grammar, spelling & punctuation is virtually free of errors. |
Incorrect referencing style used.
Most sources not acknowledged, or acknowledged inappropriately. |
Inconsistently applies the APA. referencing style.
Significant number of sources not acknowledged or otherwise not acknowledged appropriately, raising questions of plagiarism. |
APA referencing style with few errors.
Few references are irrelevant or not up to date. |
APA. referencing style applied with few errors.
Sources generally acknowledged through paraphrasing, summarising and quoting (although not always in appropriate balance). |
Faultless application of APA. Referencing style.
All source material correctly acknowledged, with appropriate, balanced use of paraphrasing, summarizing and quoting.
Question 2 | Answers are incorrect | Total marks available = 6 marks
· Subtract 1 mark for each incorrect answer |
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