The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability :
1. to evaluate the basic principles and current issues of HRM
Your task as the consultant is to find out through interview session/s with the Human
Resource manager/director for the company the reasons for the alleged issues,and
suggest remedial actions.
You are required to hand in a written report on your findings and recommendations.
Your report should contain about 2000-2500 words (7-10 pages) and cover the following parts:
Part 1: The Introduction The opening section describes the firm’s background & profile, its current position
and its internal & external environment. Include the name of the human resource manager’s and his background. You are to include pictures, graphs, tables etc, as to illustrate the situation. (10 marks)
Part 2: Problem
This section is one of the most important parts of your report. While there are no specific length requirements, the goal of this section is to present the statement of the problem(s) faced by the company. You are required to analyse the problems giving facts and figures. (10 marks)
Part 3: Proposed Plan of Action Present the result/findings from your interview with the HR manager/director of the
company. Present your proposed action plan to deal effectively with the major issues and problems of the issue. This should involve a detailed, step-by-step action plan presented in a comprehensive and understandable manner. Your
proposed plan of action should be realistic for example, time frames, designation of roles/responsibilities of all stakeholders etc.(15 marks)
Part 4: Discussion/Conclusion Conclusions are drawn andimplications presented. (5 marks)
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