Assessment item & Assignment topics With Case Study

CIS8011 – assessment item
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Major Report 1 & 2

Value: 30% (each)
Description: Business Report
Email submission will NOT be accepted in any circumstance.
The assignment should be packaged as one single pdf file and then submitted via the link provided on
the course page.
Both major report 1 & 2 are individual submissions. You are asked to submit the assignment simply
though the link provided.
You are encouraged to discuss the assignment solution path with others to improve your
understanding and clarify requirements but you should develop the solution to the assignment on your
CIS8011 Major Report 1 (30 % marks) (Due Date 31 Aug 2015)
1.! Email submission will NOT be accepted in any circumstance.
2.! The entire report including appendices will be packaged as one single pdf file and then
3.! No need to attach plagiarism report. You keep it for any future reference.
Learning objectives
This assignment specifically addresses the following learning objectives of the course:
LO5 Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing that communicates
ideas, meaning and/or argument in a format that broadly follows conventions in the
information systems field.
LO6 Apply technology and online skills to locate relevant information for the
assignments, analyse the presented problems and data, and engage in the use of the
resources provided on UConnect.
Individual submission
Students should complete this assignment individually. You are encouraged to discuss the
assignment with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements but you should
develop the solution to the assignment on your own.
CIS8011 – assessment item
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Critical Analysis
Congratulations! You have just been hired as the Information Systems Manager of a successful
multinational software services provider with offices in cities across the globe.

You provide major
software transaction services to clients (based on big data, which is your specialisation). Your services
include data capture, data management, data analytics and data transcription.
Due to the volumes of data going through your organisation, the CEO approached you to provide an
initial report on Big Data Management within the organisation. He is keen to try this as an innovation
in the organisation, and would like to carefully consider various strategies required to implementing
such a system in the organisation.

The first four-week course materials provide you some basis for
this Major Report 1, but you need to undertake independent research to present a high quality report.
You are required to research the background for a project to implement and manage Big Data
Management Systems. You will consider current organisational aspect, and then recommend a way
forward as to how this can be accomplished, through a management report, to the CEO.
The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following key aspects:
1.! How Big Data Systems are utilised in other organisations and what are the risks (max half
2.! What experiences are gained by other companies in using Big Data Systems (max 1 page)
3.! What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Big Data concept in an organisation
(max half page)
4.! The scope to which you recommend this organisation to utilise Big Data Systems concept
(max 1 page)
5.! The infrastructure required to realise such a concept (max 1 page), and
6.! Best-practice for how this concept should be managed (max half page).
The above components are presented to the CEO, therefore need to be precise, succinct and
meaningful. For the purpose of the assignment, you can choose an organisation of your
choice, and provide details of this organisation in the scope (a separate section – not more
than half page), and then build the assignment.
After the 5th page, the assignment will not be read, and marked. So, be strict with page limit.
The assignment should be thoroughly researched, with evidence provided through references.
The CEO is keen to see a well argued case, highlighting insights as to the above 6 key
aspects, and would like to see strong points arguing your case as to the infrastructure
requirements and best-practice.
As this domain is new to the CEO, he is not able to provide too many details and expect you
to conduct whatever research is required in arriving at the report. When you conduct your
research, you will map the content researched to your course weekly materials so that what
has been taught can be applied. This mapping will be presented as a table in an Appendix (see
later in submission)
The assignment will have three additional submission components in an appendix in addition
to the 6 key aspects. They are:
1.! A cover letter stating an estimated resource and time schedule
2.! A 5000 character report providing background details of the company
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3.! A table showing the mapping of course content with material researched. This table
will have, author details, paper tile, year of publication, journal details, key
words/phrases you considered for your report, the comparable topics form weekly
course content.
The report is provided to the CEO of the organisation and needs to be top class in
presentation. You have absolute freedom in all other aspects.
Please note that there is no need to attach a plagiarism report.

However, the markers will be
instructed to verify that the content is original. If discrepancies are found, your work will be
marked with zero, and you will be referred to the faculty for ‘academic misconduct’.
Therefore, you are encouraged to check your written document for any potential plagiarism
or collusion issues.
Any delays in submission MUST be accompanied with proper approval documentation,
despite the course leader approving this. So please attach the approval to this assignment as
markers may not have access to delay approvals. If the approval documentation is not found,
late penalty, as per university rules, will be levied.
Assignments MUST be submitted in the link provided. If they are not submitted via the link,
then it is assumed that submission was not made. If the assignments were submitted in other
locations, it is very difficult to track them, as the course team have no access to other
CIS8011 – assessment item
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CIS 8011 Major Report 2 (30 % marks) (Due Date 05 Oct 2015)
1.! Email submission will NOT be accepted in any circumstance.
2.! The entire report including appendices will be packaged as one single pdf file and then
3.! No need to attach plagiarism report. You keep it for any future reference.
Learning objectives
This assignment specifically addresses the following learning objectives of the course:
LO5 Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing that communicates
ideas, meaning and/or argument in a format that broadly follows conventions in the
information systems field.
LO6 Apply technology and online skills to locate relevant information for the
assignments, analyse the presented problems and data, and engage in the use of the
resources provided through the course site as well as USQ library.
This assignment is an individual submission. You are asked to submit the assignment simply
though the link provided. This is similar to the submission procedure of Assignment 1.
You are encouraged to discuss the assignment solution path with others to improve your
understanding and clarify requirements but you should develop the solution to the assignment
on your own.
Critical Analysis
The CIO of the organisation (as specified in Assignment 1) read through your submitted
document and felt that there is some merit in pursuing the options suggested by you. Through
your report (Assignment 1), the CIO understood that Big Data consists of many issues to
consider, policies to be developed or modified at organisational level, and new investments to
be made to manage data security.
The CIO wanted you to explore the options provided by you in depth so that ‘Big Data’ can
be managed in his organisation, initially as a pilot project. The CIO provided a time total
limit of 9 months (in the form of a pilot project) to explore the suggestions provided by you
in Assignment 1, and asked you to provide an implementation strategy within 30 days. The 9
months include the 30 days.
The CIO is very interested in three specific aspects, namely – Information technology
infrastructure required to implement the pilot project, Technology Integration and achieving
operational excellence. Some of these aspects are covered in the course, and you are expected
to conduct independent research on other aspects.

In addition to these three key aspects, the
CIO would like your expert opinion on enhancement to decision making within the
organisation. This additional aspect is to look into the future as the business expands beyond
the 12 months to a period of an additional 24 months.
The CIO appreciated the contents of the report and made a number of suggestions to
improving the report so that it aligns with his organisation. Your markers will give this in the
feedback form. You need to provide a one-page document stating how the feedback was
addressed in this assignment report. See point 1 below under ‘Submission Components’.
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In this assignment component, you are required to research a solution path for:
1.! An implementation strategy for the project as a pilot;
2.! A comprehensive analysis of information technology infrastructure required to
conduct the pilot project;
3.! Strategies to achieving operational excellence through the pilot project, and the key
measurement criteria to provide evidence to achieving operational excellence through
your solution;
4.! A discussion on how your solution would enhance decision making in the
organisation within the scope of this project; and
5.! How Big Data can be managed in the future so that the organisation can develop
appropriate strategies for expansion.
The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following submission components:
1.! Provide a report as how you addressed the feedback provided for your initial report
(Assignment A) – 1 page
2.! With this refinement (as in point 1 immediately above), analyse and discuss your
solution path for the 5 points stated above (2 pages)
3.! Provide a cost analysis to implement the pilot project. The cost analysis will have at
least three cost models (best, medium, worst case scenarios)
4.! Provide a detailed justification to the costs considered in the cost models and state
why you chose those cost elements, and how they align with your solution path for the
pilot project (2 page)
The above components are presented to the CIO, therefore need to be precise, succinct and
meaningful. The CIO also asked for your initial report and the feedback packaged as an
appendix and attached so that s/he can recollect the salient points of the report you submitted
and the feedback given to you. This should be in the appendix, in pdf format.
The assignment should be thoroughly researched, with evidence provided through references.
The CIO is keen to see a well-argued case, highlighting insights as to the key aspects, and
would like to see strong points arguing your case as to the infrastructure requirements and
strategies for achieving operational excellence.
The report is provided to the CIO of the organisation and needs to be top class in
presentation. You have absolute freedom in all other aspects. Please note that there is no
need to attach a plagiarism report. However, the markers will be instructed to verify that
the content is original. If discrepancies are found, your work will be marked with zero, and
you will be referred to the faculty for ‘academic misconduct’. Therefore, you are encouraged
to check your written document for any potential plagiarism or collusion issues.
Any delays in submission MUST be accompanied with proper approval documentation,
despite the course leader approving this. So please attach the approval to this assignment as
markers may not have access to delay approvals. If the approval documentation is not found,
late penalty, as per university rules, will be levied.
Assignments MUST be submitted via the link provided. If they are not submitted via the link,
then it is assumed that submission was not made. If the assignments were submitted in other
locations, it is very difficult to track them, as the course team have no access to other
locations, and the course team can’t assume responsibility.
CIS8011 – assessment item
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Marking criteria –
Student name: …………………………………………………..……………… Student #: …………………………..
Item Max
Cover letter including time and resource schedule, planning
documentation to execute the task, quality of other materials in
the appendix
Introductory materials, Scope & Background 10
Experiences gained by other companies including best practices
in this domain
The quality and depth on experiences, relevance and applicability to the
context chosen
Advantages and disadvantages, risks etc
Critical analysis and implications of the above to the chosen context 15
Recommendation of utilisation to the chosen context,
infrastructure requirements etc
This should evolve as a result of the above three sections, and should be
articulated properly
Scope of recommendations
You list assumptions made and justification for such assumptions. This will
have an impact on the overall quality and this details will be assessed
throughout the assignment
Overall quality of presentation, depth of arguments, professional
presentation, grammar, punctuation, adhering to word count,
cohesion of various document structures
Late submission deduction
Note: The above is a guide to indicate where the focus. The assignment is assessed as a
whole component for overall marking, and quality assumes significance for awarding of
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