Chapter Three: Capital’s Approach to Strategy on Credit Union Account

Capital’s Approach to Strategy Why is corporate and business strategy analysis important? Because it allows businesses to examine how they are performing and what systems are in place to keep them sustainable. A good marketing strategy consolidates what you know about how your business fits into the market — create a killer strategy for your home biz. Capital’s Approach to Strategy Strategic Approaches There are many approaches and techniques that have been developed over the years to assist organisations in the development of strategy, several of which have been utilised by Capital Credit Union. Johnson & Scholes (Exploring Corporate Strategy) Read More …

Chapter Two: How Credit Unions Work in Globe?

Credit Unions Explained Credit Unions are a worldwide phenomenon and can be found in over 110 counties. The first credit unions were set up over 150 years ago in Germany and subsequently Canada and the USA, with the first credit unions introduced into Britain in the early 1960s.   The British Credit Union Movement There are approximately 570 credit unions registered in Britain today. These credit unions provide services to over 600,000 members and hold combined savings in excess of £600 million. Scotland has 130 credit unions and assets totaling over £300 million. Capital Credit Union is the third largest Read More …