PSPGEN118 Provide Leadership Case Study Assessment Questions

PSPGEN118 Provide Leadership Case Study with Solutions


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Activity 2A

P.C. 2.1Encourage, acknowledge and consider work contributions or suggestions.
P.C. 2.2 Support workgroup members to use, share and develop their skills according to work requirements.
P.C. 2.3Facilitate work allocation within the group on the basis of current skills and development needs.
P.C.2.4Consult with workgroup members in the implementation of new work practices
P.C.2.5Resolve conflict and other issues which affect performance within the workgroup wherever possible, or refer.

Question 1

What would you do to encourage contributions with your team?

Scenario B


Jane is the CEO of FORD Hotel which has been operating for 2 years. The hotel is located in the heart of Sydney. In the last two years, FORD Hotel generated lots of profit for the business, especially at the end of the year. Jane is planning to expand the business in Melbourne and Brisbane in the next financial year. She is planning to discuss this topic with relevant stakeholders to have a final decision.

Work requirement concerns

Due to the expansion plan, Jane was informed that some of her staff are required training to improve work requirements. The examples of concerns are:

  • Lee and Fluke who are working in finance department usually make mistake in excel when they submitted cost summary.
  • Malee who is working as a front staff does not talk to customers politely.
  • Paul who is working in a human resources department does not store employees’ record properly as he has issue with technology.


Jane outlined the discussion topics as follow:

  • She would like to discuss work responsibilities of each staff who seems requiring supports or trainings.
  • She would like to hear difficulties from Lee, Fluke, Malee and Paul, and she would like to know what supports or trainings they are planning to have to enhance their work skills.

She also would like to test these persons in conflict management skills during the meeting. Therefore, she would like to discuss what each staff would do if there was a conflict in the workplace.

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Question 2

After you have finished a role play activity, you are required to summarize the following topics:

  • What are required supports and trainings that each person presented in your group?
  • What would each person do when there was a conflict in the workplace?
  • How was the discussion session going? If it was not smooth, what would be your suggestion for an improvement?

Activity 3A

P.C. 3.1Seek feedback from others outside the workgroup on personal and workgroup performance, and give open and constructive responses to feedback.
P.C. 3.2 Gather and provide regular constructive feedback on all aspects of work performance from and to the workgroup.

Question 1

What would be three (3) techniques or strategies to seek feedback for an improvement?

Question 2

Refer to scenario B, provide constructive feedback to Lee, Fluke, Malee and Paul on their work performance.

Activity 3B

P.C. 3.3Assess and address performance and recognise and/or reward notable performance.
P.C.3.4Address under performance of self and others
P.C.3.5Use feedback to continuously improve performance and outcomes

Scenario C:

Jason is working as the customer service manager at the Australian Auto Parts and Supply. He is responsible for two teams which are reception and sales. His responsibilities are various such as scheduling working hours, managing complaints, improving service quality work safety, and individual’s performance of his team members etc. In the end of every quarter, Jason will set up the performance review program to provide feedback, improvement and coaching to his team members who underperform their works. Last week, Jason received many complaints from both customers and his colleagues about four staff members, Mary, Jane, Jack and James, who are working under his supervision.

Mary is currently working as sales and she was mainly complained by customers. The customers complained that she does not have sufficient knowledge in products. When the customers asked her to explain the differences between each product, she cannot really explain this to them. Jane who is also working in sales team got a complaint from her customers that she raised her voice to a group of customers when they asked her to explain products or clarification.

In addition, Jack and James’ colleagues also made a complaint to Jason. Both of them are working as a reception. They were complained because both of them always comes to work late and this affects others who work in the shift before them as they have to work until Jack and James come to work cover a shift. Every time when they will come to work late, they never inform anyone who work in previous shift. Thus, this generates so many conflicts between them and other colleagues. Jack and James’ colleagues decided to directly talk to Jason that they will resign if Jason could not manage this issue. Their colleagues also claimed that was not the first time; however, Jack and James do this every day for a month so that they could not stand for it anymore.

Jason has recognised that it might be a time to provide training session for all of them to understand the company’s objectives and goals, and this might cause the troubles and complaints.

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As Mary, Jane Jack and James received following complaints from their clients and colleagues, these include:

  1. Mary does not have sufficient knowledge in products
  2. Jane is unprofessional to act with customers
  3. The reception team is not punctual for their work.

Pretend that you were Jason, and answer the following questions:

  • Identify how Jason would provide informal feedback to four employees (e.g. direct conversation, discussion, meeting, and routine performance review etc.)
  • What Jason should advise Jane, Mary and the reception team to take action (e.g. you could explain overall on what Mary/James should/could start to improve her work performance)
  • Give at least two (2) examples of effective coaching sessions in customer service areas, and briefly explain each of them (e.g. Communication, Time Management, and Customer Service Coaching Session etc.)

Activity 4A

Performance Criteria

P.C. 4.1 Develop, agree upon and implement an action plan to meet individual and group learning and development needs.
P.C. 4.2Support individuals to identify their specific learning and/or development needs.
P.C. 4.3Encourage and support workgroup members in applying new skills and knowledge in the workplace.

Scenario D

A CEO in the public sector invited TPC Leadership to work with him and his leadership team to enhance the effectiveness of his group teamwork. Roles and responsibilities were not clearly defined, and trust was generally low.

They concentrated on fostering transparency and trust among team members while recognising the larger system through tough team sessions and one-on-one coaching sessions with team members. They urge team members to list their growth needs and areas of weakness. To fulfil organisational goals, TPC’s leadership strategy focused on identifying team members’ learning requirements and improving on-the-job learning abilities and knowledge. TPC uses cutting-edge customer 360 technology, which collects all client data and aids in delivering superior services. The TPC team needed to learn new abilities including delegation, working under pressure, self-motivation, analytical thinking, and technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robots, among others, as they were not familiar with using the new technology. A public sector corporation provides TPC with a professional programme that mentors and trains people to carry out their jobs. They physically assist team members in using the customer 360 software by sitting down with them. They force them to quickly save and retrieve data when needed.

Question 1:

Develop and implement an action plan for Public sector companies that meet individual and group learning and development needs on which everyone agrees.

Question 2:

Based on the above case, how Public Sector Company can support individuals to identify their specific learning and/or development needs?

Question 3:

Based on the above case, how Public Sector Company encourage and support workgroup members in applying new skills and knowledge in the workplace? Justify your answer with the encouragement method, techniques, and styles you have learned and experienced.

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Activity 4B

Performance Criteria

P.C. 4.4Provide on-the-job learning opportunities in accordance with individual needs.
P.C. 4.5Encourage and support workgroup members in applying new skills and knowledge in the workplace.
P.C. 4.6Access learning and development opportunities to continuously improve own leadership needs.

Question 1

Based on the above case Activity 4A, what are advantages that team members can obtain from development opportunities (such as training, mentoring, coaching, on-the-job learning, etc) by individual and group needs?

Question 2

Based on the above case Activity 4A, how a leader can take benefit from L&D opportunities to continuously improve their leadership skills and other identified development needs?

Question 3

Explain the on-job learning opportunities that TPC should avail of Public sector Company that meets individual needs and organisation standards and objective.

Question 4

What is the range of leadership styles and the application that suits different groups and tasks?

Activity 5A

Performance Criteria

P.C. 5.1Develop strategies for facilitating team member input into planning, decision-making and operational aspects of team tasks.
P.C. 5.2Use participative decision making in developing, implementing and reviewing the work of the group and the distribution of responsibilities, where appropriate.
P.C. 5.3Give opportunities and encouragement to workgroup members to develop new and innovative work practices and strategies.
P.C. 5.5Allocate tasks in accordance with the competencies of workgroup members, and delegate autonomy and authority as appropriate.

Case Study E

In this hypothetical situation, the CEO of a company that makes sports gear must deal with an ongoing dispute between two of his top executives. Particularly, the conflict between the CFO and the head of sales is causing rippling effects across their teams and the rest of the company. Both aim to accomplish their departmental goal without making any concessions. Because he has so many valuable clients, the sales manager needs a good budget to provide gifts, discounts, and promotional offers to his clients. The CFO is under pressure to reduce costs from upper management. He wants to reduce the expense of sales since he believes it is a poor method of gratifying customers. The CEO is unsure of how to react because he prefers to avoid controversy. His alternatives include removing the two leaders, assigning a coach to each of them, increasing team building exercises, and altering the firm remuneration plan to promote better collaboration. The CEO had a private meeting with the head of sales and questioned him about how he planned to reward customers who weren’t targeted by the marketing team with gifts, special discounts, and promotions. CEO looks into why the sales head is imitating competitors who give special gifts to high net worth clients to build better relationships. Customers like to maintain a long-term relationship with businesses that provide them with additional perks. However, the CEO is aware that the primary department for generating money is sales.

Question 1

According to the case, what steps CEO should implement to make participative decision-making by both parties to solve the conflict? How can he distribute the work responsibilities of both parties?

Question 2

What new innovative idea, process, and strategies each party (CFO and sale head) can use to resolve the conflict? What opportunities does CEO have to encourage both parties (CFO and sale head) to work collaboratively?

Question 3

What responsibilities, authorities, and autonomy CEO can take for both parties based on their skill set and competency level?

Question 4

Why are decision-making and problem-solving important in the team environment?

Question 5

What are the 5 core principles that underpin effective team working?

Activity 5B

Performance Criteria

P.C. 5.4Provide workgroup members with the support, leadership, advice and policy direction necessary to perform work.
P.C. 5.6Adjust leadership and guidance strategies to meet changing priorities and situations and consider the differing needs and skills of individuals and the requirements of the tasks and workplace.

Question 1:

Based on the above case Activity 5A, how CEO can provide support, leadership advice, and policy direction to both parties (CFO and sale head) for performing their duties without any conflict?

Question 2:

Based on the above case Activity 5A, do you think that CEO should promote the sales head strategy to meet the changing priorities and needs of customers? How can CEO take into account the different needs and skills of both parties to achieve individual, departmental and organizational objectives?

Question 3:

Being the head of organization, what policies, procedures, and guidelines CEO can adopt to satisfy the need of the sale head finance department?


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