HSC203 Australia Indigenous Health Perspectives Questions and Answers

An Analysis of Media Items and Its Impact on Australian Indigenous People’s Health and Well being Issues.

Value: 40 %

Length: up to 1500 words

Due Date: Monday Week 12


According to Stoneham, Goodman and Daube (2014), one factor impacting on the relationship of Indigenous Australians with mainstream society is the media portrayal of Indigenous people and issues, in this unit the issue is health. These authors’ examined media portrayals of Indigenous Australians’ public health issues in selected media over a 12-month period.

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Before starting assessment 3 read the article titled “The Portrayal of indigenous health in selected Australian mediathat you can find in a CDU library search. Notice the comments in the notes and discussion section. Balvin and Kashima (2012) and Larson, Gillies, Howard and Coffin (2007) cited in Stoneham, Goodman and Daube (2014) note that that negative news reporting impacts on the self –esteem Australian Indigenous people and perpetuates Indigenous stereotypes within mainstream society. Larson et al., argue that this is discrimination and a determinant of health and that  until  change  occurs  in  the  perception  of  the  dominant Australian culture, public health, education and employment opportunities will be at risk for Indigenous Australians.

This assignment draws on the work of Stoneham, Goodman and Daube (2014) to provide a framework for you to examine current health and well-being issues related to the health of Australian Indigenous peoples.

This assignment relates to the four learning outcomes for this unit.


To explore current health issues affecting the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians by examining media items and identifying how media is used to report Australian Indigenous peoples’ health issues


  1. Explore a range of media for news items related to Indigenous Australian’s health. This can include, news items in daily papers, journals, television or radio, websites, magazines. You will need to provide a link to your articles.
  2. Choose three items about one of the following topics: That is, three items about nutrition, three items about mental health or three items about Nutrition Mental Health Smoking.
  3. Read the article, analyse and make notes guided by the following criteria:


  • Assess each article according to negative, positive or neutral qualities as per Stoneham, Goodman and Daube(2014)p.3.
  • Link the issues as presented in the topics with the unit learning



#Core CriteriaMarks



Identify one key measure in each media item Link literature to relevant data




Excellent overview and link to current data/statistics


Good overview and link to relevant data/and statistics

(9 -6)

Satisfactory overview and link to data


Limited coverage of media item and literature link to data


Minimal understanding of core criteria





Link the health issue with one or more of the unit learning outcomes




Insightful, well- structured and excellent understanding of the criteria.


Good understanding and competence in addressing core criteria.

(9 -6)

Demonstrated an understanding of criteria.


Limited evidence and comprehension of criteria.


Minimal development of core criteria.




Identify the positive, negative or neutral qualities of the media items




Excellent identification of the media qualities.

(21 – 17)

Provides a clear understanding of media qualities.


Reasonable identification of media items


Limited understanding of media items


Unsatisfactory identification of media items




Briefly explore the impact of the positive, negative or neutral qualities of the media items could have on the reader.



(30- 26)

Insightful analysis of the influences of media items

(25 – 19)

Provides a very good understanding of media items and influence

(18- 12)

Demonstrated an understanding of core criteria.

(11- 5)

Limited connection to how media can influence reders


Core criteria is not clearly identified.




Written Expression, structure, logical sequencing and flow of information. Clear direction




Provides excellent logical sequencing and flow of information.

Excellent attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax.


Provides clear logical sequencing and flow of information. Clear written expression Consistent attention to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation


Generally satisfactory direction for the reader with logical sequencing and flow of information. Written expression and clarity is satisfactory. Spelling, grammar, punctuation needs a little attention.


Limited direction for the reader. Limited logical sequencing and flow of information.

Awkward written expression with limited ability to express clearly. Insufficient attention to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax.


Minimal direction provided, poor attention to logical sequencing and flow of information.

Written expression lacks clarity and cohesion.

Frequent spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.




Referencing CDU APA 6th referencing style Clearly Labelled assignment file as requested Font Verdana or Arial, size 12, Line spacing 1.5 Checked for plagiarism




Exemplary referencing and citation. All conventions followed.

Clearly Labelled assignment file as requested


Referencing conventions and citations usually correct and consistent. Few errors.

Clearly Labelled assignment file as requested


General referencing, including citation conventions are followed.

Clearly Labelled assignment file as requested


Limited attention paid to referencing, including citation Clearly Labelled assignment file as requested


Absence of referencing & citation conventions overall.

Assignment not labelled as requested


This assignment is worth 40% of the total assessment for this subject.

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