DPR2602 Communication Theory Assignment Answer to Questions

DPR2602 Communication Theory Portfolio Examination Guidelines – Public Relations

Assignment Details

  • Document Type: Assignment Help (any type)
  • Subject: Public Relations
  • Citation/Referencing Style: Harvard


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QUESTION 1: Process approach to public relations

  • Communications officer for a health agency in your country
  • Using the public relations process approach, create a health campaign that will encourage the public to get vaccinated against COVID 19
  • 1st Define all the steps involved in the public relations process approach (5)
  • 2nd give examples of the steps as used in your health campaign (5)

QUESTION 2: Public relations theory

  • Define the term theory (3)
  • Describe how theories are used in public relations (2)

QUESTION 3: The Grunig and Hunt models of Public Relations

  • Identify and define four models of public relations as proposed by Grunig and Hunt (4)
  • In the provided article, identify the relevant Grunig and Hunt model of public relations; also give reasons why your identified model is applicable in the news story (6)

QUESTION 4: Systems theory

  • Discuss the systems theory of public relations
  • Give practical examples of an organisation with systems to enhance your discussion. Choose a certain organisation, and describe its various systems (5)

QUESTION 5: Laswell’s model of communication

  • Read the provided news article, identify and answer the five questions posed by Laswell’s model of communication
  • Your identified questions and answers as posed by Laswell’s model of communication should relate to the information in the news article (10)

QUESTION 6: Ethics in public relations

  • Read the following links provided and answer the questions that follow:
  • Discuss any four codes of ethics which were violated by the organisation mentioned in the news article (10)

QUESTION 7: Diffusion of innovation theory

  • Identify and discuss the stages of the diffusion of innovation theory
  • Using the diffusion of innovation theory, explain the stages you will go through in deciding to get vaccination against COVID 19
  • Your answer should refer to the five stages of adopting innovation according to the diffusion of innovation theory (10)



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