Digital and Social Media Marketing Plan Assessment

Digital and Social Media Marketing Plan Assessment Template


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Assignment Details:

words: 4000


<<Business name>>

Briefly describe your business here

  • What does your business do?
  • Do you have a product or a service?
  • Where are you located? Are you online? Do you have a store front? What country are you in?
  • How long have you been in business?

Remember, if you do not have an existing business, you can make up one.

Business Goals

What are the goals of your business?

What do you want to achieve?

e.g. increase sales, increase brand awareness, enter new markets, develop a new product or service

Your goals should be SMART






SWOT Analysis



The strengths and weaknesses are internal to your company. Think about what you do better than anyone else. Your weaknesses are things that you can improve you, what limitations do you have in your business?

The Opportunities and Threats are external to the company/business. What opportunities are there outside of your company’/business that you can take advantage of? What external environmental factors threaten your business? It can be competition from others, social unrest, the pandemic, new legislation, privacy issues on the internet


Define your audience here.

Who are your customers?

Create a buyer persona of who your ideal customer is e.g. Posh Jessie who has a sweet tooth and exquisite taste for rich and decadent desserts.

Hone in on your audience. Where are they from? What are the likes and dislikes? This is all part of the buyer persona. Get in the mind of the customer. Who do you think will like your product or service? Be creative here!

Information Sources: (where do they search for information)



Keywords used to search for information on the product:
Goals: (What are their life goals)Preferred Content: Social Media Preferences: Favourite Brands:


Digital Marketing Goals

Taking your business goals/objectives into consideration what are your Digital Marketing or Social Media Goals?

Why do you want to do digital marketing? What do you hope to achieve by taking your brand online?

These goals should be in alignment with your business goals.

Digital Marketing Channels

What channels are your competitors using? Look at two or three competitors and see if they have a website, do they use social media? From your experience do they use mobile marketing? Do they utilise social marketing? Do they have an influencer promoting their product or service?

Next you are going to decide which of the Digital Marketing Channels you are going to use for your business


Mobile Marketing (SMS, Mobile App)

Video Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing etc.

For each of the channels you select, briefly describe what you would do on each of the platforms and which of your business goals does it help achieve.

Remember: the channels are meant to help you achieve your business goals.


Who are your competitors? (give 3)

Be realistic about who your competitors are. If you are a small business then other small businesses of similar product/service offering.

If you are in a niche market and a bigger business is the only competitor you have, then you can list them.

For each competitor, put what social media they are using and how many likes/followers they have, how often do they post 2 times a week? 5 times a day?  (You are trying to gauge their popularity and scoping out the competition)


Expenditure CategoryJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneTotal
Domain Name
Web Hosting


Expenditure CategoryJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneTotal
Social Media Marketing
Facebook Advertising
Twitter Advertising


Expenditure CategoryJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneTotal
Content Marketing
Video creation
Stock Photography


These are examples for your budget. You need to basically spell out what you are going to be spending on the digital marketing budget. You will notice in website, you need to take into consideration as a small business what are the costs for having a website, you will need a domain name, a web host to store your content on, what are you going to spend on doing SEO? or is it going to be done in house. How much are you willing to spend on a monthly basis for PPC?

Keep in mind that the Budget needs to match what your objectives are. These will be the marketing objectives. We are not looking at what you will spend in an overall marketing budget which will include traditional marketing as well.

A line item in expenditure category that you should put in is Miscellaneous, and this is like a ‘just in case’ and you may need to filter more money into a particular activity.

Ensure that every digital/social media marketing channel and even the content you have created is budgeted for inside of here.


How are you going to measure the success of the methods you have employed?

For each goal, state what desirable action you wish customers to take that would indicate the goal is achieved.

For each channel that achieves the goal, indicate what is the measurement that would indicate that the goal is being achieved.

You can illustrate this in a table.


What content are you going to create for the different digital marketing channels that you have selected?

Are you going to write blog posts? How often are you going to create posts?

Are you going to reuse existing content? How many will you post in a month, how many in a day?

Are you going to create videos? How often? These will feed into the budget as well. The amount of videos you are creating will determine how big your video budget is, unless of course you state that you are probably going to use your phone and use a video editor app on your phone to keep costs down.

Content Planner

Plan out 4 types of content in the table below, taking into consideration the type of content you identified for your business

Publish DateTitle/DescriptionStatusType of ContentProducer/Designer
Date you ae publishing the contentWhat is the title of what you are going to post e.g.

Cupcake promotion (23-25 Aug)

Not postedImage AdWho is responsible for creating the post


December 2021


In your schedule, you can state what day you will be posting an article in your website, updating your website content, If you are running an ad campaign for a week. What are you posting on your social media, and which social media platform you will be posting it on. What days will you be sending out SMS to the existing customer


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