Constitutional Law Assignment Answers for Country: Zambia

Message- AV Dicey stayed the following democratic sentiment, further of not democratic principle, demands that law should on the while correspond with public opinion; but when a large body of citizens not only are opposed to some law but questions the moral rights of the state to impose or maintain a given law our honest democrat feels deeply perplexed how to act. Making reference to the constitution making process in Zambia discuss the statement below.

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LL121 – Constitutional law I Assignments


  1. Each of these two assignments should not exceed ten typed pages- (font size 12). Each assignment carries 25 marks.
  1. Due date for submission of Assignment One is 8th March 2019 and for submission of Assignment two is 27th April, 2019

    Assignment I

    Discuss the notion that a state constitution constitutes as state.

    Assignment II

    Quoted in Constitution, Governance and Democracy,1 AV Dicey stated the following:

    “Democratic sentiment, further if not democratic principle, demands that law should on the whole correspond with public opinion; but when a large body of citizens not only are opposed to some law but question the moral right of the state to impose or maintain a given law, our honest democrat feels deeply perplexed how to act”.

    Making reference to the constitution making processes in Zambia, discuss the statement above.

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