This assignment requires that you select a company that sells a product that you are familiar with and then base your answers on the chosen company and the chosen product. You are required to develop a marketing plan for your chosen product using secondary data you have researched. In the plan you should include:

  1. Introduction
  • Short background of the company its mission and vision
  • Products and Services being offered by the company. – description of the product portfolio and the specific product of your choice.
  1. Outline the marketing objectives of your chosen product. (10 marks)
  • Target market analysis
  • Describe in detail the profile   of the target market for your chosen product
  • Explain the type of demand which is associated with that market (use the various demand states). Justify
  • The general needs in the market and how the product is meeting those needs (10 marks)


  1. Micro and macro environmental analysis
  • Explain the most macro environmental actors which will affect the marketing strategy and justify why they are critical.
  • Explain the most critical micro environmental actors which will affect the marketing strategy and justify why they are critical. (40 marks)


  1. Marketing strategy
  • Describe in detail the marketing mix strategy (4Ps or 7Ps) and how you will blend it to suit the marketing objectives. (20 marks)
  • Describe any Two growth strategies that the company can use to grow the product market share.  (Use Ansoff matrix, integrative or BCG matrix based strategies) (10 marks)
  • Explain the segmentation criteria to be used for the company to suit the market needs (10 marks)

N: B You have to gather information on the company using sources such as the financial press, company websites, journals ,books etc. Remember to provide a list of resources used/accessed at the end of the assignment.

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