Object Oriented Programming with Java
All submissions need to be electronic submissions through Moodle before the due date. Submission should be one single zip file (A1StudentIDLastName.zip) with Java source files for all parts, and a short report (word/pdf document). The report should include for each problem, the details of:
Important Notes:
1. The demonstration of each assignment question to the tutor in tutorial/computer labs in week 7 is recommended for each question of this this assignment to get a feedback on your work.
2. The requirements for some programming problems are specified clearly, and for some, they are not specified clearly, and the requirements are somewhat vague. This has been done intentionally to make it more challenging, and it is expected that you come up with appropriate design strategy for solving these problems. You may want to refer to the lab activities in the tutorial classes for guidance on how to attempt each question.
3. General requirements for each program or class submitted are to have a header or block of comments at the top. The comments should contain your name, question number, part and the date. Here is an example
Q.1: (3 marks) Java Language Basics
Employee Pay Cheque Calculator : You have to design and implement a Java based software program for Employee pay cheque calculations, that can calculate and prints the monthly pay cheque for an employee.
The net pay of an employee is calculated after taking the following deductions:
Federal Income Tax: 15%
State Tax: 3.5%
Social Security Tax: 5.75%
Medicare/Medicaid Tax: 2.75%
Pension Plan: 5%
Health Insurance: $75.00
Your java software program should prompt the user to input the gross amount and the employee name. The output need to be displayed on a dialog box with output formatted to have two decimal places. A sample output test case is as follows:
Bill Robinson
Gross Amount: $ 3575.00
Federal Tax: $ 536.25
State Tax: $ 125.13
Social Security Tax: $ 205.56
Medicare/Medicaid Tax: $ 98.31
Pension Plan: $ 178.75
Health Insurance: $ 75.00
Net Pay: $ 2356.00
Q.2: (3 marks): Problem Solving with Java
Sales Commission Calculator: A large company pays its salespeople on a commission basis. The salespeople receive $200 per week plus 9% of their gross sales for that week. For example, a salesperson who sells $5,000 worth of merchandise in a week receives $200 plus 9% of $5,000, or a total of $650. You’ve been supplied with a list of items sold by each salesperson. The values of these items are as follows:
Develop a Java console application, that inputs one salesperson’s items sold for last week and calculates
and displays that salesperson’s earnings. There is no limit to the number of items that can be sold by a
salesperson. The test run of this application should produce the output shown below:
Q.3 (3 marks): Advanced Problem Solving with Java
Award Points Calculator: Serendipity Booksellers has a book club that awards points to the customers
based on the number of books purchased each month. The points are awarded as follows:
If a customer purchases 0 books, he or she earns 0 points.
If a customer purchases 1 book, he or she earns 5 points.
If a customer purchases 2 books, he or she earns 15 points.
If a customer purchases 3 books, he or she earns 30 points
If a customer purchases 4 or more books, he or she earns 60 points
Create a Java application that lets the user enter the number of books that he or she has purchased this month and displays the number of points awarded.
Q.4: (3 marks): Writing User Defined Methods in Java
Hospital Charges Calculator:
Create a Java application that calculates the total cost of the hospital stay. The daily base charge is $350. The hospital also charges for medication, surgical fees, lab fees, and physical rehab. The application should accept the following input:
The number of days spent in the hospital
The amount of medication charges
The amount of surgical charges
The amount of lab fees
The amount of physical rehabilitation charges
Create and use the following value returning methods in the application
CalcStayCharges – Calculates and returns the base charges for the hospital stay This is computed as $350 times the number of days in the hospital.
CalcMiscCharges – Calculates and returns the total of the medication, surgical, lab, and physical rehabilitation charges.
CalcTotalCharges – Calculates and returns the total charges.
Q. 5: (3 marks): Advanced Problem Solving in Java
Math Quiz Game for kids:
Develop a Java application for a Math Quiz Game for school kids. You quiz game generates random addition problems. Provide some kind of feedback and scoring system as the problems are answered. The GUI should be somewhat similar to the following screenshot.
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