International Marketing Knowledge With Case Study

Assignment Help from Experts Australia - UK & US

Background Information
Andrew Ramroop arrived in UK from Trinidad in 1970 with a burning ambition of becoming a Savile Row tailor. He worked ferociously hard to fulfil that dream. Today, he owns and runs Maurice Sedwell on 19 Savile Row, making bespoke suits for customers around the world.

He is also training a new generation of high quality bespoke tailors to ensure that Savile Row, one of London’s most famous streets, continues to epitomise the very best.

His remarkable career has been defined by fastidious attention to quality, uncompromisingly high personal standards, a willingness to take bold steps and preparedness to listen to advice and seek out help.

He lectured part time at the London College of Fashion and worked tirelessly at Maurice Sedwell to save the capital needed to buy the firm from its founder, the late Maurice Sedwell. This effort was achieved through sheer determination, single-minded focus on his goal and tremendous personal sacrifice.

Andrew Ramroop made his first export trip in 1992. He was supported by UKTIto help ensure business success in international markets.

“”The focus was on the export market ,” he recalls. “At that time, there was very little business in the UK due to the recession. I wrote to sixty persons abroad who had been customers over the years to let them know I would be coming to New York. At that time I was venturing into unchartered territory as I hadn’t a clue what to expect. I simply wrote asking whether they would be interested in seeing me or in giving me referrals.”

The trip paid off handsomely: the firm’s US earnings soared and helped the firm survive to become, as he puts it, “a very brisk business.”

Today, the world doesn’t just come to Maurice Sedwell; Maurice Sedwell goes to the world. The company has made suits for customers in some 58 countries. “It’s a truly global brand,” says Ramroop.


You have established a new business creating, making and selling luxury fashion accessories in the UK e.g. handbags, scarves, gloves. This business is growing well within the UK. You have recently met Andrew Ramroop and been inspired to develop your business overseas.

To support in your business expansion your bank has asked for an international marketing plan to include:

  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis for your business with a particular focus on overseas growth
  • An evaluation of market potential, to include an identified shortlist of markets with potential. Then using a clear and identified screening criteria, select one recommended market where the business will begin its international growth
  • A researched and proposed segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy for your company in this market
  • A recommended and justified market entry strategy
  • Arecommended marketing mix for the proposed market, ensuring its relevance to the target audience.

For additional information see:
Summary of Mintel Luxury retail report 2014

Please see over for grading criteria. Marks will be distributed as indicated in the assessment criteria. To understand the requirements for each grade level please see over.

Generic CriteriaforAssessmentatLevel6(Bachelors DegreewithHonours)

Marks 0-25(Fail) 26-39(Fail) 40-49(3rd) 50-59(2.2) 60-69(2.1) 70-85(1st) 86-100(1st)
Assessment categories

Knowledge& Understanding of Subject

Major gapsin knowledgeand

understanding of

materialatthis level.Substantial


Gapsin knowledge, with onlysuperficial


Somesignificant inaccuracies.


Understandingof keyaspectsoffield of study; coherent knowledge, atleast in part informed by currentresearchin thesubject discipline.

Systematic understanding of

field(s) of study,as

indicated by relevantQAA

subjectbenchmark statementsfor the degreeprogramme.

Good understanding ofthefield(s)of


knowledge, inline with subject

benchmark,atleastin partinformedby currentresearchin


Excellent knowledge andunderstanding of



conceptsofthe discipline(s).Clear


limitationsofthe knowledgebase.

Highlydetailed knowledgeand

understanding ofthe

maintheories/concepts ofthediscipline(s), and

an awarenessofthe ambiguitiesand limitationsof


Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills

(e.g.analysis andsynthesis; logicand argument; analytical reflection; organisationand communication

of ideasand evidence)

Unsubstantiated generalizations, madewithoutuse

of anycredible evidence.Lackof logic,leadingto unsupportable/

missing conclusions. Lackofany attemptto analyse,

synthesise or evaluate.Poor communication of


Someevidenceof analytical intellectualskills,

butforthemost part descriptive. Ideas/findings sometimesillogical

andcontradictory. Generalized statementsmade with scant evidence.

Conclusionslack relevance.


Evidenceofsome logical, analytical thinkingandsome attemptsto synthesise,albeit with some weaknesses. Someevidenceto supportfindings/

views, but evidence notconsistently

interpreted. Somerelevant conclusions

Evidenceofsome logical, analytical thinkingand

synthesis.Can analysenewand/or abstractdataand situationswithout


An emerging awarenessof differentstances andabilitytouse

evidencetosupport the argument.


Sound,logical, analyticalthinking; synthesisand

evaluation.Abilityto deviseandsustain persuasive arguments,andto

reviewthereliability, validity&significance of evidence.Abilityto communicateideas and evidence

accuratelyand convincingly. Sound,convincing


Thoroughlylogical work, supportedby judiciouslyselected

and evaluated evidence.Highquality analysis,developed independentlyor

through effective collaboration..

Abilityto investigate contradictory informationand

identifyreasonsfor contradictions. Strongconclusions.

Exceptionalwork; judiciouslyselected and evaluated

evidence.Veryhigh qualityanalysis, developed independentlyor

through effective collaboration.

Abilityto investigate contradictory informationandidentify

reasonsfor contradictions.



Useof Research- informed Literature (including referencing, appropriate academic conventionsand academic honesty)

Little evidenceof reading.


findings unsupportedand non-authoritative. Academic conventions largelyignored.

Evidenceoflittle readingand/orof relianceon

inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminateuse of sources.

Academic conventionsused inconsistently.


Referencestoa rangeofrelevant sources.Some omissionsand minorerrors. Academic conventions evidentandlargely consistent,with minorlapses.

Knowledge, analysisand evaluationofa

rangeofresearch- informedliterature, includingsources retrieved,analysed

independently. Academicskills consistently applied.

Knowledge,analysis and evaluationofa rangeofresearch-

informedliterature, includingsources retrieved,analysed independentlywith

accuracyand assurance. Good academicskills, consistentlyapplied.

Excellent knowledge of research informed literatureembedded

inthework. Consistent analysis and evaluationof sources.High-level

academicskills consistentlyapplied.

Outstanding knowledge ofresearch-informed literatureembeddedin thework.Consistent analysisand evaluation of sources.High-level academicskills consistentlyand professionallyapplied.
LEVEL6 cont…

GraduateSkills forLifeand Employment

(e.g. research- relatedskills; written, graphical and oral communication skills;

groupworking; problem-solving; practical and professionalskills)

Little or no evidence ofthe


anyofthe graduateskills

identifiedinthe programme specificationat thislevel.

Limitedevidenceof the graduateskills


programme specification.

Significant weaknesses evident,which suggestthatthe

candidate hasnot gainedtheskills necessaryfor graduate-level



Can competently undertake reasonably straightforward researchtaskswith minimumguidance, butwithminor weaknesses.


inarangeof formats,including orally,atastandard appropriatefor graduate-level employment, and with limited weaknesses.

Can generallywork



inaprofessional manner and managingconflict. Islargelyconfident and effective in identifying and definingcomplex problemsand

applyingknowledge andmethodsto



own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto graduate employment,with minorareasof weakness.


Can competently undertake reasonably straightforward researchtaskswith minimumguidance Cancommunicate effectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally,at

a standard appropriatefor

graduate-level employment, and with limited weaknesses.

Can consistently work effectively withinateam,

negotiatingina professional manner and managingconflict. Isconfidentand flexible in identifying and definingcomplex problemsand

applyingknowledge andmethodsto

theirsolution. Abletoevaluate

own strengths andweaknesses

inrelationto graduate employment.


Can successfully completearangeof research-liketasks, including evaluation, withverylimited external guidance. Cancommunicate well, confidentlyand consistentlyina rangeofformats, including orally,ata standardappropriate for graduate-level employment.

Can consistently workverywell withinateam,

leading&negotiating inaprofessional manner and managingconflict.

Isconfidentand flexible inidentifying anddefiningarange of complex


applyingknowledge andmethodstotheir solution.

Abletotakeinitiative inevaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesin

relationto graduate- level professionaland practicalskills, and


developnewareasof skillsasnecessary.


Canverysuccessfully completearangeof research-liketasks, including evaluation, witha significant degreeofautonomy. Cancommunicate professionallyand confidentlyinarange offormats, atahigh standardappropriate for graduate-level employment.


professionally withinateam,

showingleadership skillsasappropriate, managingconflictand meetingobligations.

Isprofessionaland flexible in autonomously identifying and

definingarangeof complexproblems andapplying knowledgeand methodstotheir solution.

Abletoshowinsight andautonomyin


strengthsand weaknessesand

developing professional and practicalskillsneeded for graduate-level employment.


Exceptionally successfulinawide rangeofresearch-like tasks,including evaluation,withahigh degreeofautonomy Cancommunicate with an exceptionally highlevelof professionalism,ina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatefor graduate-level employment.


exceptionallywell andprofessionally withinateam, showingleadership skillsasappropriate, managingconflict,and

meetingallobligations. Isexceptionally

professional and flexible in autonomously definingandsolving

arangeof complex problemsandapplying knowledgeand



Outstanding abilityto evaluateown strengthsand weaknesses,showing

outstandingattributes for graduate-level employment.

Marksfor Level6 0-25(Fail) 26-39(Fail) 40-49(3rd) 50-59(2.2) 60-69(2.1) 70-85(1st) 86-100(1st)

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