Business Consulting Assignment: Proposal for Consulting Services
Assignment Details:-
- Number of Words: 1000+ PPT
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Assignment 1
The task is a two-part assessment consisting of A) a written report and B) a proposal presentation. In the 1000-word written report, students are required to prepare a consulting definition document defining one of the consulting services they’re planning to offer a client. This task includes providing a brief overview of the service, the perspective and role (internal vs external, generalist vs specialist), the preferred consulting model (expert vs doctor-patient vs process), and a consulting proposal outline.
To provide a clear picture of how you can define and deliver your consulting service, in this assessment, you will define your consulting service and develop a consulting proposal for a relevant consulting opportunity.
Learning outcomes
- Demonstrate advanced understanding of contemporary business consulting theory, process and practice.
- Apply innovative approaches and techniques as well as ethical perspectives throughout the development of a consulting service.
- Evaluate complex business and enterprise concepts and issues to make evidence-based recommendations.
- Communicate business consulting knowledge, skills and ideas to others clearly, persuasively and credibly.
Part A: Consulting service definition document
In Part A of the assessment, you will prepare a consulting service definition document, in which you will define oneof the consulting services that you are planning to offer to your clients. To do this you will start by providing a brief overview of your consulting service. You are then required to discuss your perspective and role (internal vs external, generalist vs specialist) and preferred consulting model (expert vs doctor-patient vs process). And finally, you are required to design a consulting proposal presentation outline.
When discussing the design of the consulting proposal presentation outline, ensure that the following article has been thoroughly used to support your design:
Shapira, A & Horsager, D 2022, ‘To win over an audience, focus on building trust’, Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, pp. 1-6. (Provided as .pdf)
Your document should include justifications of your decisions and designs based on your research and your engagement with the relevant topics in the subject.
- In terms of structure, presentation and style, you are notrequired to follow the AIB’s standard report format. Instead, you need to develop a consulting services document that includes the following components:
- A brief overview of your consulting service.
- A discussion of your perspective and role (internal vs external, generalist vs specialist) and preferred consulting model (expert vs doctor-patient vs process).
- The design of a consulting proposal presentation outline.
- You are required to use at least six credible references for this report.
- Use the author-date style referencing HVPS Australian havard (which includes in-text citations and a reference list).
- Your references should be from credible sources such as books, industry-related journals, and academic journal articles. Ideally, relevant academic journal articles should be used for academic discussion.
- The assessment grade will be adversely affected if the report word count exceeds the allowed 1,000 words plus 10% tolerance. The list of references is not included in the word count.
- Your grade will be adversely affected if your assessment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your assessment word length is beyond the allowed tolerance level
Part B: Consulting Proposal Presentation: 8-10 Minutes
Format: PowerPoint slide show + Zoom recording (8-10 minutes max.)
- In Part B of the assessment, you will present a consulting proposal for a real or hypothetical consulting project relevant to the consulting service that you had defined in Part A of this assessment. In this part, you are required to produce a PowerPoint slideshow and an oral presentation using Zoom.(Dear expert, please provide commentary for me to present with the slides.)
- To create the consulting project proposal there is the implicit assumption that discussions have already taken place between you and the person/enterprise you are engaging with. Potentially, this could be a real consulting project.
- To structure your presentation, you are required to cover the main components of the consulting proposal outline that you had designed in Part A of this assessment. As an example, refer to the consulting proposal presented in chapter 3 of the prescribed textbook (Stroh 2019).
- Text book (Stroh 2019)
- (Kubr 2002)
- It is not required to include references in your proposal. However, to avoid academic integrity breaches you should cite the relevant references wherever it is applicable.
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