Nursing in Context 5: NURBN2020 Pharmacology for Nurses Assessment Answers

Answer on NURBN2020 Pharmacology for Nurses –

Assessment Details:

  • Referencing Styles: APA
  • Words: 1000
  • Course Code: NURBN2020
  • Course Title: Pharmacology for Nurses
  • University: Federation University
  • Country: AU


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You will have to collect information about dose, route, indications, contraindications, side effects, polypharmacy effect, and medical conjunction with food, lifespan, illicit drugs and management of adverse effects. But most importantly, please mention the goal of the given medication. Qum and 3 each reference needs to be 7 years recently.

I am doing ALCOHOL only. ALCOHOL is my part rest of the drugs my friend are doing; I only need to do alcohol information about dose, route, indications, contraindications, side effects, polypharmacy effect, medical conjunction with food, lifespan, illicit drugs and management of adverse effects. But most importantly, please mention the goal of the given medication. Qum and 3 each reference need to be 7 years recently and effects and relation of alcohol with MDMA & disulfiram 500 mg

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