Lean Six Sigma IT Call Center Case Study – Exercise Worksheets for Improving the Performance

The Six Sigma Application Case Study Answers on IT Call Center

A Lean Six Sigma Case Study- Tutorial for IT Call Center – Part 1 of 6. The important Pre-Define Project Work was completed by experts of an IT services company. Get Management Assignment Help, Assignment Answers, and Project Management Assignment Answers from our Experts in Australia, UK and USA.



Six Sigma IT Call Center Case Study Details:

Document Type: Coursework

Subject: Project Management

Deadline:*: As Per Required

Number of Words: 7 pages

Citation/Referencing Style: APA


Six Sigma Exercise – Pre-Define Project Work

Fill out the following table after studying the Pre-Define Project Work phase of the Six Sigma Application Case Study – IT Call Center

PRE-DEFINE PROJECT WORK Elements (Sections)What is displayed in the case? (Summarize)How will you add/improve this section in this case? (Write briefly).
Can you tell how and why this Project was selected? By whom (Project Sponsor)?the project is aimed at helping the company become more competitive and profitable. Project was selected by senior leadership of IT Services company.


On what basis was this project selected?


Six Sigma Exercise – Define

Fill out the following table after studying the Define phase of the Six Sigma Application Case Study – IT Call Center


DEFINE Elements (Sections)What is displayed in the case? (Summarize)How will you improve this section in this case? (Write briefly).
Can you tell how and why this Project was selected? By whom (Project Sponsor)?The project is aimed at helping the company become more competitive and profitable. Project was selected by the senior leadership of the IT services company
Project Charter “Increasing our new business growth from 1 percent to 4 percent (or better) would increase our gross revenues by about $3 million. If we can do this without increasing our support costs per call, we should be able to realize a net gain of at least $2 million.”
– Problem StatementTo improve customer satisfaction while reducing support costs per call. Unless we stop – or better, reverse this trend – we are likely to see compounded business erosion over the next 18 months.
– Key StakeholdersCustomers & IT company
– Business ImpactIncreasing new business growth from 1 percent to 4 percent (or better) would increase the gross revenues by about $3 million. If we can do this without increasing our support costs per call, we should be able to realize a net gain of at least $2 million.
– Goal StatementTo reduce Customers’ waiting/holding times for an inbound call Centre.


– Project Scopeto reduce support costs while improving new account growth
– Project Schedule & BudgetIncreasing the new business growth from 1 percent to 4 percent (or better) would increase our gross revenues by about $3 million. If we can do this without increasing our support costs per call, we should be able to realize a net gain of at least $2 million.”


– Project Team MembersChampion team members
Voice of Customer (Identification of Internal and External Customers and Their Requirements)

– Kano Analysis

-Identification of Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) Requirements

– survey

– interviews

– suggestions

Voice of Business

(Requirements of the Business)

– how to connect customer with helpful person.

– how to get the information to customer’s need.

– how to shorten the wait time

High-level Process Map (SIPOC, Swim Lane Process Map, etc.)

– Identification of Key Process Output Variables (KPOVs or Ys)

-Identification of Key Process Input Variables (KPIVs or Xs)

Showing the flow of information, materials and resources, from key process inputs, through process steps and decision points, to create the process outputs. The map describes the flow of what happens within the scope of the target process and it defines the boundaries of that scope.
Baseline Data of the Current Process (defect rate, error rate (defects per million opportunities – DPMO), wastes/rework data, current Sigma Level, current Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ), etc.)
Communication Plan

(How will key stakeholders be informed about the six-sigma project progress?)

Risk Management Plan

(How will potential risks be managed in this project?)

What types of improvements can be done by quick Kaizen events in this project?Because the Six Sigma process both eliminates errors and improves quality, customers start to take notice and become loyal to the brand, knowing that they will always be able to get the best possible products at the lowest possible prices with the least possible hassle at every interaction.
Any additional Define elements that you see covered in this case?



Six Sigma Exercise – Measure

Fill out the following table after studying the Measure phase of the Six Sigma Application Case Study- IT Call Center


MEASURE Elements (Sections)What is displayed in the case? (Summarize)How will you add/improve this section in this case? (Write briefly).
Process Flow Charts
Check Sheets
Focus Groups
Waste/Defect Identification
Pareto Analysis
Cause/Effect Analysis
Voice of Customer
Voice of Business
Operational Definitions of Measures
Data Collection Worksheet/Plan
Statistical Process Control
Performance Metrics
Process Capability Analysis
Affinity Diagrams
Process Yield Rate Calculation
Defect Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) Calculation
Base Level Sigma Calculation
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) Calculation
Any other tools used?


Six Sigma Exercise – Analyze 

Fill out the following table after studying the Analyze phase of the Six Sigma Application Case study – IT Call Center

ANALYZE Elements (Sections)What is displayed in the case? (Summarize)How will you improve this section in this case? (Write briefly).


Six Sigma Exercise – Improve

Fill out the following table after studying the Improve phase of the Six Sigma Application Case Study – IT Call Center

IMPROVE Elements (Sections)What is displayed in the case? (Summarize)How will you improve this section in this case? (Write briefly).


Six Sigma Exercise – Control

Fill out the following table after studying the Control phase of the Six Sigma Application Case Study- IT Call Center

CONTROL Elements (Sections)What is displayed in the case? (Summarize)How will you improve this section in this case? (Write briefly).



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