ICT112 Creative Problem Solving with Programming Assignment Questions and Answers

Case Study: Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital


Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital (AZWH) is a charity organization that exists to treat and/or care for sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. They are brought animals from across South East Queensland, and beyond, and are renowned for their specialization in both Koalas and Sea Turtles.

As a charity that operates separately from the main Australia Zoo company, the Zoo runs with very little funds. As part of an ongoing agreement between University of the Sunshine Coast and Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital (AZWH), we are re-developing their Wildlife hospital systems.

Stage one is the Accession (admissions) system which stores information on who brought in the wildlife, where it was found, suspected injuries, initial triage and/or vet notes and what wildlife career if any the animal is assigned to for rehabilitation or care. Animals are brought for a large variety of reasons and sometimes multiple reasons, and the database is to record these and be able to query them. Each month a report is generated from the data in this database for Queensland Parks and Wildlife and Wildlife Warriors (the charity that operates the hospital). This report currently takes the office manager a day to generate.

The Wildlife hospital can see up to 8000 admissions per year, and there is a large database of information (over 72000 entries) that is maintained both for their own record keeping and for regulatory requirements set down by the State and Federal Governments.

In appendices of this document you will find the system requirements, an example of a monthly report that currently takes up to 1 business day to prepare, a blank Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital Accession form and a partially completed form.

AZWH have a system in place; however, it suffers from a very large number of issues and is far from efficient for them to use. The more time it takes them to enter their data, the less time and resources they can devote to saving wildlife.

Your task is to streamline part of the monthly reporting by processing and generating graphics and summary information for the animals that have visited in a given month.

Assignment Requirements and Deliverables

You are supplied three.csv data sheets that provide you with the information you need. Two of these sheets are the information on what species are in each Taxon group, and what Suburbs are in each Local government area. The final .csv is the summary of animals admitted that month, the format of which is the same every month but the data inside will change (including number of rows).


  • Pseudo code for the problem solutions (15 marks)
  • Rationale, Discussion & Assumptions (15 marks)

Submitted as a MS Word Document:

  • Pseudo code for the monthly report system. This should include:
    • what decompositions are made into Functions/Modules and or classes.
  • Rationale for the system’s design (decomposition)
  • Discussion of how the System’s test plan (i.e. how did you test your system).
  • Any assumptions that were made about the data and how to process it.


  • Code solution (50 marks)
    • Import of .csv file (10 marks)
    • Filtering of data (15 marks)
    • Graphing with mathplotlib (15 marks)
      • Pass-Credit level, ALL taxon groups represented on pie chart
      • Distinction- High Distinction – top 10 taxon groups only (per Appendix C)
    • Output to .csv file (10 marks)
      • 2 files: LocalGovtArea-Jan2018.csv and Taxon-Jan2018.csv
        • Format: E.g.
          ‘Sunshine Coast Regional Council’, 216,’63%’

‘Moreton Bay Regional Council’,97,’23%’

  • For both files:
    • Pass level output in any order unfiltered, no %
    • Credit level, output in any order with %
    • Distinction to High Distinction level, sort into descending order, filter
  • Documentation and coding style (20 marks)

Submitted as a single python notebook with name <studentNumber>_py.ipynb, containing your complete python implementation:

  • Your Part B MUST work on AnacondaJupyter Notebook and be able to bedemonstrated
  • Your system MUST have your name and student number included at the beginning of every file/module in the comments.


The completed assignment is to be submitted by SafeAssign on or before the due date.

The assignment will be assessed according to the online rubric. Late submission of the assignment will result in a late submission penalties as per USC policy:

Days LateMarks Deducted
1 day late5% of the total available marks
2 days late10% of the total available marks
3 days late20% of the total available marks
4 days late40% of the total available marks
5 days late60% of the total available marks
6 days late80% of the total available marks
7 or more days late100% of the total available marks

Assignment Return and Release of Grades

Assignment grades should be available on the course web site within10 business days after submission (15 business days after submission at the latest). Electronic feedback on the submission will be made available at this time.

Where an assignment is undergoing investigation for alleged plagiarism or collusion the grade and feedback for the assignment will be withheld until the investigation has concluded.

Appendix A – System Requirements

These requirements and sample reports are provided to assist in you in gaining an understanding of the existing system and the hospital’s needs. You do not need to implement these requirements nor all the reports.

User Requirements

  • Every animal brought to the hospital is given a unique Accession Number which is found on the top right-hand side of their paper accessionform.
  • Additionally, everyaccession isapatient. Every patienthasauniquepatientid.
  • All wildlife may be admitted more than once, if they are re-admitted their previouspatientnumbershouldbere-used,alongwiththedatetheywerere-admitted

– all historical admissions should be maintained (and not overwritten).

  • Thedatabaseneedstorecordwhobroughtintheanimal,whereitwasfound,including the regional or local council area it was found it – reports are generated for particular councils upon request. There should be a link between the postcode that the animal was found in and the local council it belongsto.
  • Koalas will have also have a koalatag.
  • Every patient may have amicrochip.
  • Animalsincluding,butnotlimitedto,wallabies,kangaroos,andpossumsmayhaveear tags in one or both ears that uniquely identify them (The tags should have the same numberbut should beable totellifoneismissing).
  • Notalltagnumberformatswillbethe same
  • Not all animals will have tags.
  • In addition to formal tags, some animals will have one or more alternate identifiers, being either a Queensland Parks and Wildlife identifier, or transfer from or to another facility such as Currumbin Wildlife Hospital, RSPCA, or Australia Zoo, these must all be maintained andsearchable.
  • Animals are sorted into taxons and species, of which there are nearly 1000 in the current system. Each species must be associated with exactly

The system should be loss-less, no data should be overwritten.

  • Animals can and will present with more than one aetiology. In addition, animals may be diagnosedwithmultiplediagnoseswithinacategory–e.g.ananimalmayhavemultiple broken bones/anatomicalissues.
  • During treatment, the vets will put notes on the forms, this information should be maintained where possible using searchable textfields
  • A wildlife patient can be assigned a treatment, this could be multiple medicines, or particular surgery or other actions. For medicine, the system should allow the start andstopdateofeachmedicine/treatment.Atreatmentwillbeuniquelyidentifiedfor patient, accession, and date it wasprescribed.
  • Accessions can be sent to an approved Wildlife Carer tore-cooperate.
  • It should be recorded when an accession is with a particular carer, not all accessions can go to carers and only a small % of them will be with a carer at any given time.
  • Every carer must be a member of a SINGLE caregroup
  • Each carer has a list of animals/types they are able to care for – in the current system these are called “permit options” but are based on the carer not thegroup.
  • Each care group has a permit which is has a unique ID (which includes numbers and letters), an expiry date and a list of one or more permit types that the group are allowed to carefor.
  • The system must be able to record the date the animal is given to the carer and the date it is returned to the hospital. (All releases are conducted by thehospital)
  • AZWH maintains a contact list – they have other hospitals, other zoos/wildlife parks, government departments, other organizations, wildlife carers, vets, researchers, volunteers and general public that have brought in a patient. For all contacts, AZWH maintains, their first name, last name, title/salutation, email, phone number(s), street address, suburb, state, country, postcode, and what sort of contact theyare.

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