How does the risk of developing prostate cancer vary by age within each of the two cities?

Referencing Styles: APA

  1. a) Calculate and compare the crude and age-specific incidence rates of prostate cancer per 100,000 men between the two cities. (4 marks)
  2. b) According to your results in Q1-a, is the comparison of crude rates valid in consideration of the age distributions in the two cities? Why or Why not? (Hint: calculate and compare the age structures of populations in the two cities) (2 marks)
  3. c) Compute and compare directly standardized incidence rates (per 100,000 men) of prostate cancer in City A and in City B using the given standard population (the shaded column of the table). Discuss the differences in the results of crude and standardized rates between the two cities. (4 marks)
  4. d) How does the risk of developing prostate cancer vary by age within each of the two cities? (Calculate appropriate measures to quantify the variation). Based on your results, is age a risk factor of prostate cancer for both cities? Interpret your results briefly (3 marks)


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